快好知 kuaihz

151. The company disintegrated owing to lack of financial backing. 152. Borrowing $100,000 is one thing. Owing $425,000 is another! 153. Lucy's success is owing to her brother John in all senses. 154. How much is still owing to the company by its debtor? 155. The specific cost flow of a job order costing system shows in Figure 14 - 2 as fol 1 owing. 156. Owing to climate was being droughty from terminal late Pleistocene, so Aibihu Lake ceaselessly shrank. 157. Baitupo calcbentonite ore is mined easily owing to the stable, shallow buried ore bed with large thickness. 158. Obese people are more likely to take time off owing to illness. 159. Owing to the demand of more efficient technology about robot vision applications, the researches on intelligent pattern detection and recognition have been rapidly grown in recent years. 160. Owing to dark officialdom, he was exiled to the West of China. 161. Owing to a clerical error the document was wrongly filed. 162. Deciduous broad-leaved trees showed great self-fertilization capacity owing to plenty of litter under than and its rapid decomposition rate. 163. "Invisible Man" is universally regarded as a masterpiece of contemporary American literature, this is owing to Ralph Ellison's unique artistic style. 164. Owing to start-up and dwell continually under high speed working condition, the inertial force is the main load that leads to the chain vibration and affects the position accuracy and step rate. 165. Chitosan, an cationic polyelectrolyte , has attracted much attention in the area of biomicroencapsulation due to its good biocompatibility and low price owing to its plenty of sources. 166. On the other hand, students have little difficulties affording the computer owing to the declining price. 167. Owing to the different history background, our party also has a continuous development on social harmonist. 168. In recent years owing to the development of microprocessor technology, the small size SPC (Stored Program Control) electronic switching system has been widely used. 169. Sudden onset of CSF otorrhea owing to brain herniation into the middle ear cavity via a tegmen defect presenting many years following head trauma is rare. 170. Owing to the effect of backwall pressure, make coal bed cutting strength occur variation. 171. The likelihood of executing an untrustworthy program is dramatically increased owing to the prevalence of Internet. 172. In the prehistorical society, human social activities were greatly limited by nature, owing to the low production capacity and the primitive way of thinking. 173. Owing to the addition of a flight deck over the existing hull, the USS Langley (CV-1) became known as the "Covered Wagon." 174. Some impatience was exhibited owing to the non - arrival of the speaker. 175. Asthe money owing to the company, we may just fro his salary if you think fit. 176. Owing to the difficulty of identifying dead time parameter of industrial process, a kind of new step response method is presented to identify dead time parameter of industrial process. 177. Owing to the differences in income tax laws and in research level of accounting theory, differences exist in many aspects of income accounting between the United States and China. 178. Owing to a previous engagement, I shan't be able to come. 179. Loading at Hatch No.4 stopped owing to the breakdown of the winch. 180. Owing to the slightly warmer temperature the streets were bad.