快好知 kuaihz

211. The shakedown was run to a shorter than usual timetable owing to the delays encountered in shipping the cars, spares and service park to the Jordan Rally location. 212. The axiomatic method is a mathematics method from geometry, owing to the outstanding characteristic, it is getting a scientific method used extensively. 213. She is at risk for further nutrient depletion owing to catabolic effects of major surgery and inflammation, glycosuria, and gastrointestinal nutrient losses. 214. Owing to the promotion of the two academic revolutions, universities begin to get out of the "Ivory Tower" and enter into public life, and redetermine their roles in the direction of socialization. 215. But owing to the limit of the carbonaceous framework and difficulty of the raceme, so the derivatives of annulene show opticity activity. 216. A more efficient fixing device is needed owing to the large total error for set-up. 217. Owing to groundwater overexploitation in the plain area of Xingtai of Heilonggang, a series of geological environment problems such as land subsidence, aquifer unwatering is occurred. 218. Specifically, owing to the high stock price due to speculative force prior to issuance, coupled with the expected forthcoming negative real estate policy, the new issue price was set higher. 219. Pleasing to the eye: Owing to the diffuse reflection of vermiculites , its flamboyant looking and tridimensional appearance, metal roofing tiles enjoy great popularity worldwide. 220. But the difficulty of long computing time and large storage have been met owing to the complex coupling and materials distribution of the conductor and the dielectric body in this kind of problem. 221. Provides a directed, concentrated beam of light owing to its 50 cm long flexible arm. 222. In the areas of rapid economic development, the engrossment of cultivated land owing to the fast industrialization and urbanization makes the relationship of man and land more tensional. 223. Owing to the higher cold resistance, autumn sowing may live through the winter like winter wheat, but do not need vernalization, and spring sowing can normally flower and fruit. 224. BA Flight 144 from Munich is overdue owing to engine trouble. 225. Moreover, our manufacturers ca ot undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials. 226. Macromolecules cannot approach the ligand owing to steric hindrance of the matrix. 227. As a key link of last process in production, the importance of diesel engine running-in on test bed has been approved owing to vital effect on the safety, reliability and lifetime. 228. There is no internal scale product of dry screw pump owing to the late research starting, so like products are all depend on importing and the price is very expensive. 229. Owing to its effect of the surface and intrinsic lacuna, carbon nanotubes have perfect reactive ability than other allotrope of graphite. 230. Owing to the limitation of our knowledge, there must be mistakes and errors in the book. 231. Owing to deficiency and limitation of market size, variety, term structure and operating target, open market operation has not operated an effective function on stock price. 232. Owing to quality problems, QA department has not noticed the specific delivery date. Please wait for notice. 233. Owing to this , the part includes source document designing, account book designing, cost report designing. 234. The seller will not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of goods owing to generally recognized Force Majeure . 235. In actual world, the most administrative acts have not been reviewed by the judicial bodies and one part of them have not been effectively judicially controlled owing to their features. 236. Then, it is expatiated that owing to their sparseness, new kinds of matrices greatly simplify the projection operation during image reconstruct. 237. Nano-hydroxyapatite has been widely used as reconstructive and prosthetic material for osseous tissue, owing to its excellent biocompatibility and tissue bioactivity. 238. Pippy is an interactive environment, similar to the Python interactive shell, but owing even more to another PalmOS language/environment called LispMe (see Resources later in this article). 239. The rate of Prgnancy - induced hypertension syndrome, polyhydramnios, dystocia , fetal death , stillbirth, fetal macrosomia increased owing GDM. 240. Stimulation of the autonomic nervous system can occur owing to hypoxia or hypercarbia from depressed ventilation.