快好知 kuaihz

1. Jean-Paul Sartre was the guru of post-war French philosophy. 2. The guru of the new digital Army is Gen. 3. Could it be that the guru of the environmental left had been wrong? 4. Peter Drucker, the management guru, has just published a new book. 5. Um, the computer guru, uh, the wizards as it were, is going to be there for emergency calls. 6. I simultaneously read a statement like that from Guru Nanak, Guru of Sikhs, a very spiritual man. 7. Was it really Guru Nanak's intention to found a new religion, or even a new religious community? 8. Associates who has become a nationally recognized guru on Super Bowl advertising. 9. Eventually the guru was so worried he called into the hut to see what was happening. 10. Software reliability guru C. K. Cho admonished the industrialist not to think of software as a product but as a portable factory. 11. Managing change: Today, however, almost every guru is locked on to the theme of change management. 12. The guru or the spiritual director will have to tell the novice when he has reached the limits of his ability. 13. It soon became apparent that Colin was the guru of the whole department. 14. Grateful Dead guitar guru Jerry Garcia may be dead, but he can still cut a deal. 15. He was the guru of the bond market and also the conscience of our firm. 16. But a quasi guru, given he refused to accept any such role. 17. The magazine publisher had always hoped that supply-side guru Jack Kemp would head the Republican ticket. 18. In time, Fallows also became a splendid computer guru,[/guru.html] a genuine rarity among top public policy analysts. 19. Twenty-five years ago he was enthroned as the guru of the avant-garde; today he is isolated, some would say megalomaniac. 20. For the last decade she has acted as the president's economics guru. 21. As the NEC's deputy for domestic policy issues, Sperling has functioned as both policy wonk and political guru. 22. The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru. 23. Now though she's carving out a new career as a fitness guru on the Big Breakfast. 24. Years ago in Manchester, my husband was taught to meditate by a Yiddishe guru in Didsbury. 25. The goal of these assistants is to become something like the office computer guru. 26. More often, we opted for the quick fix or the solution offered by the management guru of the month. 27. Every six months, she'd ring him and listen to the ravings of his latest guru. 28. At nine o'clock four thickly-bearded priests appeared holding an enormous bound copy of the Sikh scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib. 29. In walks a skinny, intense, angry little guy, obviously the boss guru. 30. Mass-circulation magazines had a larger pulpit than any meeting-hall diet guru ever dreamed.