快好知 kuaihz

31. It'so happened that I trusted my Guru. 32. The guru claimed that he could levitate. 33. He is the computer guru in my office. 34. Is there a guru factory where the guru supplying? 35. The nearest thing the Camerons have to a guru. 36. Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra. 37. Of God that your guru has given to you. 38. He followed the teachings of his guru fanatically. 39. So guru is actually one who removes our darkness. 40. Just think of your root guru and Avalokiteshvara. 41. Dr Andrew WI is a health guru for millions through his Internet site, Ask Dr Weil. 42. Gu means darkness, and ru is remover. So guru is actually one who removes our darkness. 43. The second, usually associated with money guru Dave Ramsey, says you should pay off the smallest bills first. 44. He claimed that he killed the burglar; The guru claimed many followers. 45. As a disciple, one must regard one's guru as an enlightened being. 46. A sycophant flatterer is neither a guru or a preacher. 47. "Kurt is my guru [of] whom I ask questions every time I have a problem with the native communities, " says businessman and born-again environmental activist Roberto Persivale. 48. The guru of strategic management finally began to talk about CSR. 49. She was an ice queen in the eighties, but shea fitness guru in the nineties. 50. They are ready to be taken over by any witch doctor , guru, or dictator. 51. The executive recruiter, wearing a hairnet and an apron, finally got a customer to tell him what he needed to know: the identity of a technology guru a client had hired Mr. 52. "People want you to think that newspapering is 'everyone is working on the next Watergate'," says Clay Shirky, a media guru at New York University. 53. Along with his close friend, computer guru Steve Wozniak, Apple Computer Company was born. 54. It also claims that Mrs Blair's lifestyle guru, Carole Caplin, continued to have a very close relationship with the couple. 55. God shows His Grace to the devotee by manifesting as His Guru. 56. Management guru Jim Collins, in his classic book "Good to Great", talks about the Stockdale Paradox, named after Admiral James Stockdale, who spent 7 difficult years in a Vietnamese POW camp. 57. Guru Nanak, s appeal through, Naam Simran to save this world is unique. 58. Producing genuine understanding in the mind is not easy, so pray to your guru with uncontrived, fervent devotion. 59. As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I had written the mantra of Guru Nona in calligraphy. 60. Meat guru Bruce Aidells remembers that his grandmother, who kept a kosher home, always had an onion- and carrot-smothered brisket for Hanukkah served alongside crispy potato pancakes.