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61. For example, few of us are technical experts, so we should all have a computer guru on our team. 62. Disciple Jui Khin had designed a card containing the mantra wheel as drawn by Patriarch Guru Nona and my calligraphy of the heart mantra of the Great White Umbrella Mother - Buddha. 63. Carole Caplin, Mrs Blair's lifestyle guru, is said to have negotiated many of the discounts amid concern from senior civil servants at the time. 64. Saleem Bhatti made the declaration to The Times of India in the presence of his father Mohmmed Akram Bhatti whose ancestors had been followers since childhood of Guru Nanak born in 1469. 65. It wasn't like I was a true computer guru who programmed for fun and could read binary. 66. The writings of the early Gurus were compiled in the Adi Granth, the Sikh sacred book, by Arjun (1563-1606), the fifth Guru. 67. "Ancelotti is starting his eighth season with Milan and I think few coaches can boast such a long run at a single club, " said the bald-headed transfer guru. 68. The rites completed, the disciple received from the guru the loincloth and ochre robe, the emblems of his new life. 69. So he prostrated and praised the Guru for such great favors. 70. Devotees of Sikhism, the world's fifth largest organized religion, were marking the 342nd birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, a founder of the faith. 71. "Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you. " Guru Nanak. 72. To show respect for his guru, Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead. 73. Religious services, which include hymn-singing, readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning. 74. Even gurus need a guru Edmund Burke, he says, is his. 75. The guru of the 2-D love movement, Toru Honda, a 40-year-old man with a boyishly round face and puppy-dog eyes, has written half a dozen books advocating the 2-D lifestyle. 76. That of a domestic dog. Like a loyal dog, even when the Guru ridicules, irritates or ignores one, one never responds with anger. 77. One half of another British power couple, Rooney and his wife Colleen have taken England by storm, he as a soccer player and she as a fitness guru/fashion commentator of some sort. 78. For follow-on code reviews, you do not need a major guru to lead the effort, although you might have one on your team. 79. Stephen Covey, the self-help guru and author of the best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, lists as one of the habits “Begin with the end in mind.” 80. Under instructions from Guru Amar Das Sahib, this city was founded by Guru Ram Das Sahib in 1574. 81. My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar. 82. Fine. I am Vajra Guru to my disciples, not to all. 83. Jupiter : It is the heaviest and the most benefic planet and represents Guru. 84. The Garuda has special importance in the tantric teachings of Tibetan Buddhism where he is sometimes seen as a manifestation of Guru Rinpoche. 85. There is clearly a difference in being a "Guru" and a "Know-It-All." 86. He blithe guru spray - painting smiley faces along Wall Street. 87. Dakini Yeshe Tsogyel is the main Tibetan consort of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava. 88. His sect is noteworthy because It'stresses absolute obedience to the guru ( teacher ). 89. Never ever differentiate or discriminate your vajra brothers and sisters from all other places as we are following the same sect, same lineage and same Guru. 90. Photo 2.48 Guru Lau's Stupa ( Made of Bronze and gold - plated ) .