tantamount造句61 Besides, it gives a convenient tantamount definition to progressive measurability .
62 I pointed out that a declaration that NATO would stop its expansion with the Warsaw Pact nations would be tantamount to announcing a new dividing line in Europe, with a smaller Russian empire.
63 But Japan made sense for another reason: There, the disfigurement of a mastectomy or lumpectomy is tantamount to social banishment.
64 Retaliatory tariffs on China are tantamount to taxing ourselves as a punishment.
65 "Stoning as a means of execution is tantamount to torture. It's barbaric and an abhorrent act," he said.
66 At that time, being banned from trading in a bucket-shop was tantamount to the highest degree of flattery for any speculator.
67 " Your proposal is tantamount to calling off the general strike!
68 That seems to be tantamount to saying there's too much traffic in modern cities.
69 By some measures, the risks associated with the three main rating companies may be tantamount to a $1 trillion bomb blowing up global financial institutions' balance sheets.
70 For Mullah Omar to be in talks with President Karzai's western-backed government would be tantamount to suicide right now, not least from al Qaeda who don't believe in any form of negotiation.
71 They're called "incubators, " and their imprimatur is tantamount to a college degree.
72 He told Dumbledore would be tantamount to ants play with elephants, Where is the opponent.
73 To deny the legitimacy of the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee or of the Ninth Party Congress would be tantamount to saying that the Party ceased to exist for a period of time.
74 To expose their wealth so that they can see the kind of life they want, but they are aware of the event soon, the dream of high position and great wealth for them would be tantamount to nonsense.
75 The wages workers earn in that factory are tantamount to nothing.