entitlement造句91. Many have only partial entitlement to welfare benefits.
92. Believe too, in your entitlement to an easier life.
93. Registration, entitlement registration and encumbrance imposition.
94. Hasn't this politically attractive entitlement simply made the cost problem worse?
95. In childhood they had been deprived of essential emotional sustenance; as adults, their arrogance, sense of entitlement and exhibitionistic tendencies spring from the deepest humiliation.
96. "Germans feel like the paymaster for the EU and have a sense of entitlement," said Neugebauer, adding that Merkel "tends to act like a schoolmistress at times."
97. It mainly contains three kinds of doctrines : permissiveness , bereavement of free will and entitlement action.
98. The Booking Entitlement is subject to the sufficient advertising time that can be provided by IEM.
99. In Japan, Sony encourages staff to take every day of holiday entitlement.
100. And he has already mentioned his hopes of setting up a bipartisan commission on entitlement reform.
101. Contact the Department of Social Security for advice on Social Befits entitlement.
102. He asked the Democrats to work with him to reform the entitlement programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which threaten to balloon into enormous long-term liabilities.
103. Review of all project invoices for contractual compliance and entitlement.
104. In these so-called "new property" cases, Roth requires the court to consider whether the plaintiff had a "legitimate claim of entitlement" to the benefit of which she was deprived.
105. Once the set period of grace with the threat to refuse acceptance has expired without effect, there is no longer entitlement to delivery.
106. We were not providing full integration with the w3 entitlement system, so the amount of information that the custom registry was returning was limited.
107. A payment or entitlement , such as one made under an insurance policy or employment agreement, or public assistance program. Or, more generally, something of value or usefulness.
108. Nozick believe the paramountcy of entitlement, and extend Rawls's primary entitlements to various entitlements.
109. He grew tired of the spoilt - child act and Mourinho ? s sense of entitlement.
110. Family and marital spousal right: spousal right is an entitlement that is legally enforceable.
111. As a general rule, poor men stray because of opportunity (Mavis in the stationery cupboard), and rich men stray because of a sense of entitlement (VIP areas stuffed with willing lovelies).
112. "cases, Roth requires the court to consider whether the plaintiff had a " legitimate claim of entitlement" to the benefit of which she was deprived .
113. The word that comes up most often is " entitlement. ".
114. Goodman said in a statement it was looking to raise A$1.3 billion in an entitlement offer and A$500 million through an issue of hybrid securities to CIC -- China's sovereign wealth fund.
115. This, he taught later, was " entitlement without provisions ".
116. As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination is an entitlement.
117. In both situations, the car entitlement is FREE of any import duty, excise duty or tax.
118. Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending.
119. As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination an entitlement.
120. This radiates a strange sense of welfare entitlement for financiers.