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151) Draw the material from ripe porcine sinoatrial node and use them for cell primary culture. Observe the primary cultured cell, and record the electrophysiological characteristics by patch clamp. 152) Here you have a struct that includes the first element as a data item and the second element as a pointer to the next node. 153) However, another kind of SSS associated with sinus node and atrioventricular node dysfunction, characterized by long P-R interval, has not yet been reported in the literature. 154) Each branch in a process must begin with a start node or by receiving data as input. 155) It is a finite, labeled, directed tree in which the internal nodes are labeled by operators, and the leaf nodes represent the operands of the node operators. 156) A node that can send and receive packets, and route packets from one node to another. 157) Removes every node in the source collection from its parent node. 158) Conclusion VEGF-C may be related to invasion, lymph node metastasis and postoperative hematogenous metastasis of the carcinoma and prognosis. 159) After the recursive call completes, we add the value of the current node to the results of the recursive call. 160) Some neural cells in ganglions surrounding sino atrial node and atrio ventricular node were also positive to neurofilament. 161) Have opened the campus education and research network of Shandong province is one of four major node. 162) Activation of the heart normally begins in the sinoatrial node. 163) It works in unattended mode so its operation is fully controlled by the master node (using Linux). 164) This method uses intermediate nodes' location information to create undirected graph at destination node, and uses Breath-First Search (BFS) algorithm to find another disjoint path. 165) The indication of these procedures and the methods of lymph node dissection, bronchoplasty and pulmonary artery reconstruction, and superior vena cava reconstruction have been discussed. 166) The basic idea of the algorithm is this: a depth-first search begins from an arbitrary start node (and subsequent depth-first searches are conducted on any nodes that have not yet been found). 167) Methods CT findings of lumbar posterior marginal cartilaginous node in 46 cases were analyzed. 168) An activity can also be identified by its node numbers. 169) Data transfer rate is dependent on the arrives in the user's phone node and distance. 170) Conclusion In patients with dual atrioventricular node pathways and a documented but noninducible PSVT, catheter ablation of slow-pathway is highly effective in preventing the tachycardia. 171) It is proved that immediate predecessor of all new nodes is only one of a node or successors in old concept lattice. 172) The implementation of HAMMA includes adaptive mesh generation, node displacement computation and element motion compensation. 173) Notice that unlike other trees like binary trees, 2-3 tres, and heap trees, a node in the minimax game tree can have any number of children, depending on the game situation. 174) This paper analyses the access control research actuality and problems for active node resources, and designs the safety and security architecture of access control for active node resources. 175) House quality for waterproof result is closely related to waterproof material function, structure node design, construction quantity. 176) The invariance cf node numbering sensitivity ( N - invariance ) is also discussed. 177) This function takes the source node and copies it over as a child under the destination node. 178) This paper presents a method to treat the various changes of lines with mutual conductance for analysis of faulted power systems. The modified formula of node equation of networks have been derived. 179) On S1, no specific procedure corresponds to the NAS node selection function. 180) Define and apply a style to a selected node based on the edit action (for example, change color, strikethrough text, and so on).