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241) Finally, the RETURN clause returns the new node representing the scheduled termination date so that DB2 will update data in the DOCUMENT column with the modified data. 242) In addition, an algorithm of automatically building transfer rule of each task node according to the partial ordering of change node was put forward. 243) It also relates to a stem section of a gramineous crop plant comprising at least one node. 244) According to the nonlinear re-radiation characteristic of semiconductor PN node, the nonlinear node detection system for semiconductor junction targets based on second harmonic reception is designed. 245) Objective:To investigate the relation between lumbar vertebral cartilage rupture and lumbar posterior marginal intra-osseous cartilaginous node. 246) By using the variation dynamic admittance algorithm of the load power, the ill-conditional number problem of the node admittance matrix is solved. 247) With mapping technique, the interior nodes in a subregion can be found. The adjustment is used to modify the node coordinates to ensure their reasonableness and correctness. 248) The current of current-controlled current source (CCCS) branch is controlled by the current of another branch, which makes it difficult to build the node impedances matrix (Z-matrix).