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211) Each document must have a unique first element, the root node. 212) GPFS uses this internode access to allow any node in the GPFS cluster to run relevant commands on other nodes. 213) The phptemplate engine uses the node.tpl.php as a generic template for a theme designer to mold any generated node data into a content fragment. 214) The top layer is a star network made up of a digital routing node and optical network interface cards, while the bottom layers are ring networks made up of optical network interface cards. 215) A parallel node structure was proposed to organize virtual-hand model and three-dimension space transformation was applied to synthesize gesture of the hand. 216) The function in the example above checks the node type of the first child node. 217) Though not depicted in Figure 6, this last port is used for an EJB client initial request to the Location Service Daemon (LSD) running in the Node Agent. 218) Increasing a speed parameter for each water node, we adopt the idea of neighboring regions spread to derivate the evolution formula of water wave with disturbance. 219) A quite equivalent decoupling method based on branch node for fault location in distribution network is presented. 220) Conclusions: The nodal artery is dominated by plentiful NOS- and NPY-containing nerve fibers. It may play a role for regulating the blood flow of sino-atrial node in guinea-pig. 221) Cardiomyocytes in the Sinoatrial Node This image shows a section of the sinoatrial node, a pacemaking area of the right atrium of the heart. 222) The network control has many characteristics, frame network of node, intelligence of node, locale of control, decentralization of function. dispark of system, integration of product, and so on. 223) A new node architecture of OADM - The B & S OADM is Analyzed. 224) The idea of virtual CAN node is used to get the consentaneous communication. 225) Also the middleware will provide network communication service and APIs for each network node. 226) This paper proves theoretically that the FA solution in the center point of the FA element is stable to the functional value of the boundary node point and to the change of the boundary function. 227) That, as well as the placement and format of the node constructors, guarantees that the parse tree is generated in the proper conformation so that treewalking does the right thing. 228) Parent-child links are based on the tree topology, support a one-to-many relationship set, and prohibit circular definitions, that is, a child node can only have one parent. 229) In the case of a RCVR, RQSTR, or SVR channel, it can be useful to match a single certificate since these channels usually connect to only one partner node. 230) But the bulk of the Node.js work is being done by the Chat team for traffic analysis and load testing. 231) In addition to be able to add, remove, or modify the element, you could also move it to another location in the hierarchy by manipulating the pointers to the element or node. 232) By using the node name as the LPAR and default profile name, it enables automation scripts to easily identify the LPAR and profile for manipulation and modification. 233) Each member of a NodeList is in fact a DOM Node (org.w3c.dom.Node), and you can then find out the name of the node, its type, and pretty much anything else about that node you want. 234) Whether big or small, in the environment around it, a modern city is the node of material, energy, information and circulating capital . 235) The new architecture is designed to allow a smart card to act as a secure network node, either providing security services to a network or requesting access to network resources. 236) In Listing 5, you replace the resource with a blank node and use square bracket notation to show that the two enclosed statement fragments have the same blank node subject. 237) The end node to which Task 3 previously connected is no longer needed. 238) Cutaneous anthrax usually presents with painless ulcer, followed by central black eschar and surrounding lymph node swelling. It is the most common form of anthrax. 239) Combine technics approach of continuous gas lift and jet pump, and what's more, apply node analysis to establish new processing approach. 240) Based on Sensor node, Script node and event transfer of VRML, a virtual assembly of complicated machine can be realized. But the process is rather cockamamie.