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61, The UK should find another weapon to fill the same role . 62, I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have, a sense of humor. 63, The recoil was so violent it almost tore the weapon from his grasp. 64, Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area. 65, This relaxation technique can serve as an effective weapon against stress. 66, A good company pension scheme remains a potent weapon for attracting staff. 67, No weapon was found at the scene of the crime. 68, Johann was the bank robbers' secret weapon - he knew the secrets of the alarm system. 69, The police will have to examine the weapon for fingerprints. 70, Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children. 71, Is exhibit C the weapon which you say was used? 72, The said weapon was later found in the defendant's home. 73, She was charged with a misdemeanour, that of carrying a concealed weapon. 74, Right now, she felt the need of every weapon in her armoury , including surprise. 75, In the eyes of the law his knife was an offensive weapon. 76, Our fearlessness shall be our secret weapon.John Green 77, True education is the weapon against stupidity and foolishness.Dr T.P.Chia 78, The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.Friedrich Nietzsche 79, Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.Charles de Gaulle 80, A sneer is the weapon of the weak.James Russell Lowell 81, Non-violence is a weapon of the strong.Mahatma Gandhi 82, He resisted the pain, tried to bring the weapon to bear. 83, However, it is a very popular weapon amongst the Tileans, and the state armies of the Empire include many Tileans. 84, He brandished the moral force of government as his weapon. 85, Petitioning remained a weapon of agitation against the apprenticeship system up to 1838. 86, The international automobile industry is a typical case where shortening the product development lead time is recognized as a valuable competitive weapon. 87, There were high-explosive and incendiary bombs of various types available, but no combination weapon. 88, I agree that he was probably killed by a single blow and that wooden mallet on the table seems the likely weapon. 89, Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade.James Matthew Barrie 90, But police now know the murder weapon was a knife with a ten inch long blade.