快好知 kuaihz

121, Shrapnel is a weapon of mass destruction. 122, I am His sword, His weapon and His Vicegerent. 123, Ultramarine spheres flashed over Linda's weapon console. 124, We must not lay aside the weapon of criticism. 125, Call Weaponry. Never lack for a weapon. 126, An unwashed vegetable can become a deadly weapon. 127, Weapon taunt powers should be more effective now. 128, Verity: You handle your weapon well. 129, Napalm is an area support weapon. 130, The machete is the weapon of choice. 131, The Nuclear submarine is a kind of strategic weapon. 132, There's a weapon of mass destruction somewhere in the D . C. area? 133, In anti - U - boat warfare the air weapon was now an equal partner with the surface ship. 134, Perhaps the AMV itself could become a future combat weapon system platform. 135, Use of nuclear weaponry as a primary weapon in wartime. 136, It'should be helpful for safety design of airborne weapon system. 137, The bullpup design allows a shorter weapon overall length without sacrificing hitting power and wounding effects. 137,try its best to collect and create good sentences. 138, They are called CIWS Close Defense Weapon System , but I can't say more without revealing spoilers. 139, Maelstrom Weapon: Cast time reduction now applies to any spell with a cast time. 140, Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon , horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 141, They fought their oppressors with any weapon they could lay hands on. 142, Anomalous propagation of electromagnetic wave results in more flexible use of weapon system. 143, DC servo system plays an important role in the field of modem gun automatic weapon system. 144, In the study of air - defense missile weapon system data fusion, engineering algorithm plays an important role. 145, AMV itself could become a future combat weapon system platform. 146, The owning of private weapon was permitted to legalize by the law of Han Dynasty. 147, To wave or flourish ( a weapon, for example ) menacingly. 148, Fully automatic machine pistol. 9 mm 30 shot clip. Medium - range weapon . Optional silencer. 149, Based on the characteristics, a new method of weapon system maintenance, self - repairing, is given. 150, This is the weapon that he used to defend himself withal.