快好知 kuaihz

151, Availability, dependability and system availability of the double - passage air - to - air middle - far - distance missile weapon system are analyzed. 152, Nuclear weapon tests were again conducted even after the conclusion of the CTBT. 153, In our country ultrasound is becoming a weapon of mass destruction. 154, The effective injury ranges of these two kinds of nuclear weapon radiations may differ widely. 155, The result can be used for fast estimation of the viability of weapon system. 156, The capability of weapon system is evaluated, analyzed and contrasted by the index of combat effectiveness. 157, The gaseous weapon residues are then vented through the hollow central portion of the water column. 158, Longbow: Leading missile weapon of the English from the 14 th century into the 16 th century. 159, Air defense weapon system is a complex system, it is characterized with synchronism and concurrency. 160, His sole weapon seems to be his mouth, whether by taunting or biting. 161, Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapon. 162, They're faster and more maneuverable and their weapon systems pack a big punch. 163, And if you find this tire iron, you can positively identify it as the murder weapon? 164, This 6 round .455 revolver is yet another weapon of World War 1 vintage. 165, King's counsel Weapon said that there are two ways to protect well - intentioned citizens from Wu Hai. 166, China shared shares our about Iran becoming a nuclear weapon weapons state. 167, The City of Metronome is a unique third person adventure game where sound is your weapon. 168, With technology development, the tracking accuracy of shipborne gun weapon system has been also improved. 169, In the hardware - in - the - loop simulation of homing guidance weapon, five - axis turntable has obvious advantages. 170, But al - Qaeda's most dangerous weapon has always been unpredictability. 171, Fully automatic machine pistol. 9 mm 30 clip. Medium - range weapon . Optional silencer. 172, A melodious music movement a cute cartoon may contain a mind weapon. 173, Symbiosis Cooperation Marketing is trenchancy weapon of Chinese retail enterprise. 174, Weapons: Each NPC is equipped with a melee weapon and a ranged weapon. 175, Firstly, the background and meaning of virtual prototype ( VP ) in the weapon system design are introduced. 176, This paper analyzes the mission of metal storm weapon system in close - in defense. 177, A safe stronghold our God is still . A trusty shield and weapon. 178, We were woefully outmatched in numbers in this new mortal weapon of the air. 179, Weapon application engineering is the bridge between design, development and operation, support of a weapon system. 180, Recognition of the interesting targets is the key technology of precise guide weapon system.