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31. Actually predial servitude provides a common right mode of setting up usufruct on real estate for the convenience of new utilization becoming property right. 32. Finally, it states the names and range of some concrete forms, such as, superficies, contract right of agricultural land, pawning right, living right, servitude, and special permit real right. 33. Servitude is an important usufructuary right system in the traditional real law. 34. At that time, as the reader will remember, it was penal servitude for life. 35. How many years had he added to his servitude by that moment of weakness? 36. In the "real" movies of the time, as Horne noted on The Tonight Show, blacks were portrayed "as jungle people or in servitude." 37. They spent their lives in servitude to the enemy conquerors. 38. Either truth or falsehood: Toward spiritual independence or toward spiritual servitude. 39. On urban land, Civil Law countries and regions set several usufructuary rights, including surface right, predial servitude, personal servitude,[http:///servitude.html] pawning right and so on. 40. Long generations of servitude have made the countrymen peculiarly subtle in hierarchical distinctions. 41. The letter accused the government of anti- Semitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a French General Staff officer sentenced for espionage to penal servitude for life.