快好知 kuaihz

in the wake of造句
31. They withdrew in the wake of the January 1994 Northridge earthquake, which caused $ 8 billion worth of insured residential losses. 32. In the wake of the Wall Street Crash Congress enacted a plethora of legislation aimed at ensuring fair and orderly markets. 33. Beyond the political confusion, there were other factors that wrought economic turmoil in the wake of partitioning the country. 34. The Dons left their spiritual home because of safety concerns in the wake of the Taylor Report. 35. In the wake of the television series mentioned above, a panel discussion on the subject was transmitted. 36. Technology stocks stumbled in the wake of the Silicon Graphics news, but recovered by midsession. 37. What is revealing, however, is the growth in the number of business consultants in the wake of the reengineering movement. 38. When the Government hinted darkly about a privacy bill in the wake of the Mellor affair, MacKenzie went on the offensive. 39. Their lifestyles focused on the social networks around the pubs and clubs that had emerged in the wake of Gay Liberation. 40. In the wake of the bombing, the UK is threatening to break off diplomatic relations. 41. She gave no warning signs, and the destruction created in the wake of her departure can be devastating. 42. In the wake of the 1996 elections, proponents of the amendment were ebullient. 43. Security has been increased at all airports in the wake of the attacks. 44. The latter move came in the wake of parliament's decision of Dec. 11 temporarily to suspend the privatization process. 45. In the wake of the Los Angeles riots, it would be foolish to ignore Galbraith's prescient warnings. 46. But the unions' unpopularity in the wake of the Winter of Discontent and Labour's electoral decline also weakened the movement. 47. Congress has not passed comprehensive campaign finance legislation since 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal. 48. It attacks the fundamental flaws and loopholes in the campaign finance regulatory system adopted in the wake of the Watergate scandal. 49. The service trades have always followed in the wake of the producing industries. 50. The agreement came in the wake of a fourth attempt, in as many weeks, to reach a consensus among members. 51. This cosmological event was widely reported in the news media, in the wake of which I heard three paradigmatic responses. 52. Here, then, are questions that parents have raised with Child Caring in the wake of the Angeli story. 53. A regimental musician who had become detached from his unit, he followed in the wake of the attack as a spectator. 54. Oils continued their rise in the wake of the firm crude price. 55. In the wake of the Clause, the Stonewall Trust was set up. 56. High-powered investigations of intelligence agencies in the wake of Watergate had revealed much evidence of illicit and unconstitutional behaviour. 57. House Republicans have rallied around Gingrich in the wake of the ethics flap, and they show no sign of ousting him. 58. In the wake of a number of major technical innovations, acceptable limited of routine and stability were again established. 59. The park was formed to preserve for ever the spectacular countryside, lakes and river systems created in the wake of the glacier. 60. In the wake of Thailand's economic troubles, Malaysia's currency also sank.