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in the wake of造句
91. Although the bivalve lineages Dr Jablonski studied spread out from the equator in waves, they did not become extinct in the wake of these waves. 92. Peter Luff, the Tory head of an influential commons committee, said reforms to the legal system for investigating companies should be considered in the wake of the inquiry. 93. Economic forecasting is a long-standing joke, but the laughter has turned harsh and bitter in the wake of the credit crisis. 94. President Harry Truman and Secretary of State George Marshall understood this when, in the wake of the Second World War, they laid out a plan to rebuild Europe. 95. Arab radicalism grew exponentially in the wake of the 1967 war. 96. Some U.S. legislators are suggesting heightened scrutiny of America's nuclear energy program in the wake of Japan's crisis. 97. In the wake of the opportunity and challenges, there comes the uniformization of international civil procedure laws. 98. Clinton said the process should proceed, under auspices of the Organization of American States, in the wake of internationally-recognized Honduran elections in November. 99. In the wake of the Fourteenth Amendment, the states could not, among other things, deprive people of the equal protection of the laws. 100. Although the domino theory seemed to have been dealt a fatal blow in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has re-emerged, phoenix-like, in the current debate over Afghanistan. 101. The process of decolonisation in Portuguese Timor began in 1974, following the change of government in Portugal in the wake of the Carnation Revolution. 102. The British government has introduced new security restrictions in the wake of the parcel bomb discovery. 103. The term was made popular by Warren Harding, campaigning for America's presidency in the wake of the first world war. 104. Of significance in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is that the New Orleans metro area ranked as the 35th largest for retail space in 2003. 105. We watched dolphins leaping in the wake of the boat. 106. He reiterated Lockheed's claims that the program is back on track following this spring's restructuring of the program that came in the wake of the Nunn-McCurdy breach. 107. Even Wyoming failed to pass hate-crime legislation in the wake of the Shepard lynching. 108. The LACOSTE is on the match field wont dress the mesh of net knit a method of sport dress, those adorer also his the type see as the in the wake of target. 109. In the wake of the dot-com crash, the Fed went way beyond past fixes and lowered the funds rate to 1.25 percent for nearly eight months, then an extraordinary 1 percent for a full year. 110. The recall poses a threat to the wider egg-producing industry, thanks to confusion that can arise in the wake of recalls. 111. In the wake of unrest in Tibet in March, a virulently xenophobic mood swept the country. 112. In the wake of this policy came a program of arms exports to Latin American countries. 113. In the wake of Wilmut's announcement, governments hurried to draft guidelines for the unknown, a future filled with incredible possibilities. 114. Challenges against patriarchal - feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898. 115. Sir Paul Stephenson, the Scotland Yard chief, has disclosed that more MPs could face criminal investigations in the wake of the expenses scandal. 116. Those changes were put to the test almost immediately in the wake of another potentially catastrophic grounding the following year, of the Greek-flagged bulk carrier Doric Chariot. 117. In fact, the U.S. government has successfully reined in its power use since Congress first began setting targets in the wake of the 1970s energy crises. 118. This year's winner Erik Svedang had to follow in the wake of the likes of Crayon Physics Deluxe,[http:///in the wake of.html] Aquaria and Gish - clearly quite a daunting task. 119. In the wake of the diminution of helical lead angle the influencing extent of the variation of materials filling rate inside the screw conveyer on the screw shaft deflection was reduced. 120. Moguls in designer suits—their fortunes amassed in the wake of the Soviet collapse—parked their Bentleys, BMWs, and Mercedeses and ascended the steps with their bejewelled wives.