快好知 kuaihz

in the wake of造句
121. In the wake of Toyota's run-in with NHTSA, two Congressional committees are drafting new car safety legislation that is likely to include stiffer penalties for delays in disclosing safety defects. 122. Administration and supervision of work safety have been strengthened in the wake of increasing high frequency of occupational accidents. 123. TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the wake of Katrina, tens of thousands of New Orleanais were stranded because they lacked transportation, information or the inclination to evacuate ... 124. In the wake of the deepgoing of the reform of economics and politics in our country, the museum must be carried on also. 125. Appaloosa was a major participant in complex debt exchange offers executed by the two banks during 2009 to strengthen their balance sheets in the wake of bail-outs by the government. 125.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 126. The Philippines shares a long history with the United States. The islands became a U.S. colony at the end of the 19th century in the wake of the Spanish American War. 127. In the wake of the Cold War, and without the rivalry of the Soviet Union, the United States trends to adapt unilateralist approaches in world politics. 128. Then demand surged in the wake of the Atlantic cod fishery collapse. 129. Russia, Holland, and Britain followed in the wake of America. 130. China's economy – and its drive to industrialise – slowed last year in the wake of the global downturn but picked up strongly at the beginning of this year. 131. No funds for health care reform or the new consumer protection bureau established in the wake of the financial collapse. 132. The gold standard collapsed in the wake of World War I. Wartime financing with unbacked paper currency led to widespread inflation. 133. In the wake of the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway he wrote Underground, a set of journalistic essays about the event.