快好知 kuaihz

1. That was the best ice-cresm soda I ever tasted. 2. She drank her soda through a straw. 3. Add some soda to the whisky, please. 4. There was more whiskyin it than soda. 5. I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes. 6. I like soda biscuits. 7. She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda. 8. The soda was warm and had gone flat. 9. Do you have any diet soda? 10. He spritzed a little soda in his drink. 11. Two brandies and soda, please. 12. He had an ice-cream soda. 13. Mother used washing soda to get the stains out. 14. A whisky and soda, please. 15. These are soda biscuits. 16. 'I'll have a whisky and soda.' 'Right you are, sir.' 17. She rinses her mouth with water and soda every morning. 18. She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon. 19. Soda silica glasses are not very manageable, however. 20. Ferric was drinking scotch and soda, same as Carmine. 21. Baking soda will help relieve some odors. 22. Popcorn, we give them popcorn, movie, and a soda. 23. Sift the baking soda and flour together. 24. Katherine found a small restaurant with a soda fountain. 25. Add baking soda and stir quickly until mixture foams. 26. A large soda is $1.50. Refills are free. 27. Mix together 250g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture. 28. It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound. 29. People were lined up at the cash registers and soda fountain. 30. In 1890 Castner devised a new process for its manufacture, based on the electrolytic decomposition of caustic soda.