快好知 kuaihz

91. She went back into the drawing room and poured herself a whisky and soda. 92. While the taps were thundering, he poured himself a large whisky and soda, and gulped it. 93. Penelope sat on the couch nursing a scotch and soda. 94. Actress Lindsay Wagner revealed her recipe to combat jet lag: Epsom salts and baking soda poured into a hot bath. 95. In its concentrated form it is hazardous to handle especially as many commercial formulations are stabilised with caustic soda. 96. Brighten piano keys with a paste of baking soda and water. 97. Most caustic soda is used in the production of aluminium. 98. Fergus looked suitably disgusted, and threw back the remains of his own whisky and soda in one gulp. 99. Combine buttermilk and soda and add to creamed mixture alternately with flour, beating well after each addition. 100. Follow-up Bring other substances such as sugar, baking soda, or corn syrup to dissolve in water. 101. In another bowl, sift flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon. 102. Remove from heat. Add baking soda and stir quickly until mixture foams. 103. He bought her a soda, tried to talk to her, kept her calm. 104. But given heavy doses of baking soda he began to recover, and was perfectly normal three days later. 105. Leavening with baking powder or soda, called chemical leavening, is completely distinct from yeast fermentation. 106. The counterman packs the sandwich and soda in a paper bag. 107. The Collection Machine roamed all night long until its video camera spotted the shape of a soda can on a desk. 108. In medium bowl, sift together flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt; stir into creamed mixture. 109. Combine flour, soda, salt and cream of tartar in medium mixing bowl and add to creamed mixture, beating well. 110. Ask the students if they know what baking powder and baking soda are used for. 2. 111. There he could get a good whisky and soda and reflect on his unfortunate position. 112. Wash the interior with baking soda water or mild detergent. 113. He topped up his drink with soda water and carried it with him into the bedroom. 114. Serve it as a delicious liqueur, or topped up with soda or tonic. 115. Add a spoonful of baking soda to the red cabbage water. 116. Anhydrous caustic soda, hydrogen gas and phosgene, all well established product areas, are being developed to produce maximum returns. 117. Occasionally, some pregnant women want to eat non-food substances; baking soda, coffee grounds, even coal or chalk. 118. Next day put them in a saucepan with the same water, plus a half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. 119. His question brought to mind my thought that time at the soda fountain with his father. 120. The glass contains lower soda and generally higher aluminia than found in Roman glasses.