快好知 kuaihz

31. Baking soda is only sodium bicarbonate, with no acid added. 32. This is consistent with glass technology at the time-the principal alkali used was also soda. 33. Or realising that it really was Robert Duval sipping a soda at the counter. 34. Folk recipes to try: take a lukewarm bath with two cups of cider vinegar or some bicarbonate of soda added. 35. If hand washing, add bicarbonate of soda to the wash and lemon juice to the rinse. 36. Wash the inside walls of the refrigerator with a solution of 2 tablespoons baking soda to 1 quart water. 37. Bending down to look for club soda, Mitchell discovered the restaurant s stereo and album collection hidden behind a sliding panel. 38. Karen took some ice cubes from the freezer and poured the soda. 39. Some people leave an unopened box of baking soda in the back of the refrigerator to prevent the problem. 40. Many of these are based on caustic soda and require care in use and protective clothing, gloves and goggles. 41. The nozzle from a soda machine in my drink at another fast-food restaurant. 42. Activated charcoal, spread on a pan like baking soda, also alleviates an odor problem. 43. He is drinking soda pop out of a can the same shrill dayglo orange colour as emergency road markings. 44. In a kitchen off the lobby was a refrigerator loaded with juices, soda, and various Calistoga waters. 45. Nearly everyone, however, even on casual Friday, is drinking soda or tea during the lunch hour. 46. Other analyses of soda-rich plant ashes contained considerably higher magnesia levels accompanying the soda. 47. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt; set aside. 48. Caen drank Campari with soda while waiting for Mayor Willie Brown, who was late as always. 49. The baking soda did not produce bubbles when water was added. 49. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 50. Then the wind got up, and coated everything with an invasive layer of caustic soda. 51. Finding none, she poured soda and salt into the crease of her folded hand and tossed both into the flour. 52. All three were drinking whisky, barely moistened with soda water, with a rapidity that had ceased to startle their friends. 53. In a large bowl, blend the cornmeal, flour, baking soda, and salt. 54. The company makes plain and sweet biscuits and soda crackers. 55. When they are exhaled they are filtered through the white crystals of soda lime, and a bacterial filter. 56. Wash walls with a solution of two tablespoons of baking soda to one quart warm water. 57. Likewise, efficient marketing of both chlorine and caustic soda is essential as demand for the two chemicals is rarely in balance. 58. Beat in the coffee and when the mixture is creamy and light, add the bicarbonate of soda and the chopped walnuts. 59. Mix together flour, sugar, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl. 60. Stir and add ice and club soda to taste. 6 June Leaving Mr Mackenzie proved to be a rather involved task.