快好知 kuaihz

1, She has a lovely serene face. 2, The child's face was serene and beautiful. 3, She looked as calm and serene as she always did. 4, He has entered the serene autumn of his life. 5, The sound was so serene that it seemed unearthly. 6, Her pale, plump face was serene. 7, She became very calm and serene. 8, Joanna grinned back, her serene beauty sparkling into the quick, unexpected mischief that Isabel had seen in fitzAlan. 9, A kind, serene girl called June told her the reason. 10, Each seemed possessed by a serene sorrow, and in a moment he learned why. 11, Normally serene palms toss their woolly mop heads like distraught grieving women who can not take any more suffering. 12, In her serene room, I have slowly come to feel safe. 13, Five years later, the international oil market is serene, even sleepy. 14, Yet Daley remained outwardly serene, sometimes buoyant, while all around him the tension was building. 15, They were strict, serene, and at times seemed utterly unknowable. 16, The Madonna presided over it all, high and serene above the altar, dressed in pale-blue silk embellished with golden embroidery. 17, The noise echoes throughout the usually serene hills surrounding Potrero, but few people are complaining about the commotion. 18, Mute swan, stately and serene, are present all the year. 19, Whilst Jansher remained calm and serene, I was sweating profusely. 20, Looking back across the years,we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise.Growing older only means the spirit grows serene.Happy birthday! 21, May I be firm and resolute! May I be kind, compassionate, and friendly! May I be humble, calm, quiet, unruffled and serene! May I serve to be perfect! May I be perfect to serve! 22, Looking back acrothe years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday! 23, But, in political and human terms, he clearly represents everything Ayckbourn most dislikes: a serene detachment and emotionless cool. 24, But there was no condescension in his expression, and no judgment; just serene concern. 25, They could rise above mere opinion, with its sharp words and raised voices, to serene and stable fact. 26, It displays an endless variety of moods: lonely, majestic, dangerous, fickle and serene. 27, He raised his glass, toasting his host and hostess silently, his smile serene, sincere. 28, She wanted Phoebe's long bold stare, so different from Rachel's serene regard-more dangerous, more challenging. 29, They were not mighty faces, in just repose, or caught there purely, in serene rapture. 30, The smoke of smelters and charcoal kilns smudged a sky that all down the pass had been a dark, serene blue.