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31, She remained serene and calm with no need for the pain medication until the next afternoon when she died in her sleep. 32, It was, for the first time since he had been looking at it, serene. 33, The young woman he saw was neither a giggling schoolgirl, a serene debutante, nor a smiling fiancee. 34, After the ceremony she seemed to be serene and relaxed and to drift off to sleep. 35, Guests visit the city of Arequipa with the serene monastery of Santa Catalina. 36, The lounge was long, and wide, L-shaped, the luxurious furnishings reflecting the cool, serene hues of the sea. 37, And a passing glimpse of a profile clear as bronze, and at the moment of passing as aloof and serene. 38, Jan looked out over a serene landscape of gentle hills. 39, She had a small serene face, like on a cameo. 40, All the typical woodland flowers can be found here in abundance, including serene displays of lily of the valley. 41, The spider, whilom serene, / attacks to feed. 42, Joyous, serene, and totally uncontrived. 43, Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest. 44, Light music fills my heart with serene joyfulness. 45, The moon was above , lustrous and serene. 46, In spite of their ceremouies, the sky remained serene. 47, When she was serene she skimmed like a swallow. 48, a lake, still and serene in the sunlight. 49, Palais Namaskar, Morocco It looks serene. 50, I'm celibate and I live a very serene lifestyle. 51, We are content to sit over the hearth and see the sky through the chimney-top, enjoying the quiet and serene life that may be had in a warm corner by the chimney-side. 51, Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 52, She recovered her equanimity, and was an agreeable image of serene dignity. 53, Like a lotus that is unsoiled by the mud from which it springs, he lives unaffected by worldly temptations, ever calm, serene and peaceful. 54, The discoverer of the Pacific walked " valorous and serene " into the public square and was beheaded. 55, The black hole, also be favored of Cynthia, deep and serene. 56, The master suite includes a fireplace, a large terrace with serene views, dual baths, walk-in dressing rooms. 57, The image of Buddha, who was called The Greatest Yogin of all Times, expresses serene quiescence. 58, The child, flushed and with eyes blazing, was curiously serene. 59, The serene woman has already ordered pizza moped - mounted delivery man is on the way with it. 60, Louisa returned to the serene apartment of the hair - cutting character .