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61, These can be inspired by an exalting piece of music, by the serene happiness we sometimes feel in nature, or by the most ordinary everyday situation. 62, In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, "This is but a little Patch, but it shews itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent." 63, He would take it easy veritably in the heaven because I have a serene living with wonderful happiness. 64, Yet the serene half-light over Tara's well-kept acres brought a measure of quiet to her disturbed mind. 65, The models, who performed balletic moves with impressive control, stunned onlookers by holding their breath for minutes at a time, while remaining serene and calm. 66, Grand pianos: The soft pedal is used to change the mood of the sound from percussive to more serene and gentle when the soft pedal is depressed. 67, Ironically, it was a child who helped to unlock another secret of a serene old age. 68, Jacen was far more serene, and took a measured, pacifistic stance, believing any aggressive use of the Force to be a step towards the dark side. 69, You will see a serene skies and a bright blue sea there. 70, In the painting, Constable makes his subject seem so real, serene and full of life. It feels as if we can almost hear the bark of the puppy on the shore across from the wain. 71, Objective To improve the nursing to the hearing serene of the neonatus in the direct rooming-in. 72, Compared with contemporaneous poems, Li Jinfa's poems are prepossessed with the artistic style:deep and serene, dark and gloomy, trancing and fascinating. It is a unique style with aest... 73, She sat with five men at a table under an elm tree that shaded them from the hot sun. Her talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sweet, serene smile. 74, Her talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sweet, serene smile. She beat them all. 75, BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (Reuters Life!) - Barbados is a serene Caribbean island that lures visitors with its aqua waters, friendly people and fine dining. 76, The full moon on 16 th with sunset glow hung over the serene grey horizon. 77, Then, after moving to New York, she immediately upgraded from veganism to macrobiotics - the brown rice and seaweed diet that reputedly keeps Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna slim and serene. 78, Stately, unhurried and serene , it is a celebration of peace, beauty and excellence. 79, I like the faint lamplight from your window, warm and serene. 80, Always she was content to face the future with a serene and unfaltering courage. 81, Commerce is unexpectedly confident and serene, alert, adventurous, and unwearied. 82, Ma Sibo depicts daily life in the style of a serene, quiet glance—the existence of an objective image contradicts the emotional traces of life. 83, Caption :SERENE SCENE: A bather stood under a hot waterfall at a medicinal bathing complex in Greece Monday. 84, Also, meditate on the inner light which is serene and beyond all sorrow. 85, The usually serene Albert had entirely lost his self - possession. 86, He didn't speak much, he just smiled with that serene smile of his. 87, In North China , however, it is particularly, limpid, serene and melancholy. 88, Observed on a microscope slide , a living cell appears serene. 89, I believe, it was serene when you sleep deeply and gradually with the expectation of living, because I really be afraid to touch your wry face. 90, The ocean itself -- that serene and tideless sea - lay scarce less hushed.