快好知 kuaihz

31. Alice caught a reassuring smile from the guitarist. 32. You need a reassuring presence in your life, Preston. 33. Fishing and sailing parties found his presence reassuring. 34. This one was full of reassuring surprises. 35. I was taking too long to say something reassuring, standing there blinking in the bland afternoon sunlight. 36. Reassuring themselves that the train had broken down, both men felt confident that they would find nothing untoward on the line. 37. And Mazursky was reassuring in noting that hot toy items typically enjoy popularity for three to five years, then fade. 38. Saying someone is religious is heard in most of America as a compliment, a reassuring affirmation that someone will be moral, ethical, and after a few glasses of wine, a freak in the bedroom.Bill Maher 39. These are also designed with an eye to reassuring those who did well out of the switch from rates to poll tax. 40. So long as these suppositions were taken seriously, they were not only reassuring, but frequently effective. 41. He wanted to be gone, even though Deuce made reassuring promises and Doug could one day turn out to be a friend. 42. Chopin's early C minor Sonata provides reassuring evidence that even geniuses take time to find their true voice and identity. 43. While, at a superficial level, the titles might well mislead, a swift glance at the contents is reassuring. 44. It heard blithe announcements from two military eminences which were hardly reassuring. 45. He had glanced in the washroom mirror and it had not been a reassuring sight. 46. But as depressions became more violent, such a view was the very reverse of reassuring. 47. His arm went around her, squeezing gently, a reassuring, comforting gesture. 48. Douglas Hurd has proved a reassuring figure in a campaign that has at times seemed to lack confidence and direction. 49. It feels very reassuring to the person and at the same time it allows them to become accustomed to your touch. 50. I found this vaguely reassuring; a short, sharp death seemed preferable to a long, slow chewing underwater. 51. But what specific actions can we take to enhance our satisfaction while at the same time reassuring our new acquaintances? 52. Now the court comes to the people in poor, isolated communities-with the reassuring informality of a village meeting. 53. We were cramped in my studio apartment, but the thought of the family being together was reassuring. 54. Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony. 55. Keep it warm A warm, friendly voice is especially reassuring if a partially sighted person can't see your expression. 56. He observed her narrow hands as she touched the frightened child with light, reassuring caresses. 57. Also reassuring are animal studies in which these stents have shown excellent biological tolerance and no dysplastic changes have been noted. 58. It sounded so comfortable and reassuring, like the drone of a distant mowing machine through the class-room window at school. 59. The overall effect of this encounter was dramatic, because it was reassuring and put things in perspective. 60. It was a legal precedent, if not a very reassuring one.