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91. After a few days she even left the cubs for a while to give him a reassuring lick. 92. This can be reassuring to an audience and help to build credibility. 93. It was economical, thought Lydia, and reassuring to make your dwelling place of the same indigenous material as your grave. 94. It's very reassuring that some companies can be relied upon to give good customer service and satisfaction. 95. This may seem a reassuring picture, a balm to B. S. Johnson's fears. 96. Journalists were shown reassuring pictures aimed at proving how technology helps control natural phenomena. 97. No harm now, Chrissie thought, and glanced back at her son with a reassuring smile. 98. Back on board, the hoped-for but unexpected sight of a deus-ex-machina in the form of our travel agency chief is immensely reassuring. 99. When he eventually succeeded Nixon, Ford immediately made reassuring noises to his former colleagues in the legislature. 100. But a man who bled was vulnerable, and a wound caused by a mouse-trap showed a reassuring degree of incompetence. 101. But the policewoman who was with her didn't make any reassuring noises about her getting home in a hurry. 102. She clattered down the steps - noise is reassuring - and entered the church. 103. Although television and newspaper reports about malformed children abound, it is reassuring to appreciate that abnormalities are relatively rare. 104. They win their parents over with a rose-tinted vision of the world which is decidedly reassuring. 105. It is easy to see why they might need reassuring. 106. This may sound reassuring, but the promised double-digit returns may not ensue. 107. I touch my pocket for the reassuring packet of Diocalm. 108. On closer inspection, in fact, the evidence tilts further towards the reassuring. 109. What none of these groups would find reassuring is a repeat of the old Lawson line that the deficit does not matter. 110. I doubt whether it could have found its target but the very shape of it in my hands was reassuring. 111. It is somehow reassuring that, all too often, there is a not a table to be had. 112. Snogging tackle for stonking wet smackers, warm and reassuring like a comfy settee. 113. The matter of fact question was reassuring her. 114. Busywork can give you a reassuring, small-bore task. 115. She gave me some reassuring news. 116. But this is just a reassuring platitude. 117. He looks ill himself, for all his reassuring smile. 118. Hoban was a reassuring boss man. 119. The cool steel against my head seemed reassuring. 120. The cordial greeting from the professor the next morning was reassuring me.