快好知 kuaihz

61. The answer is reassuring: the energy payback for this process is above 20, 000: 1. 62. He seems at times to be reassuring himself of his grip upon a world of his own devising. 63. Thus, we can not give the reassuring answer one expects from theories. 64. When she returned - and she would surely return soon - she would need reassuring and a lot of tender loving. 65. I found them to be cheerful, reassuring old men, and delightful conversationalists. 66. It is written in a reassuring way that should positively assist nurses, midwives and health visitors and allay understandable anxieties. 67. Generally speaking the term covers actions such as comforting, helping, sharing, reassuring and defending. 68. The system's recent flexibility is too much like that of a tent in a hurricane, and about as reassuring. 69. Looking right then left he saw the signals with their warning lights reassuring him of their presence. 70. The only vaguely reassuring sign is that the right seems to be losing the graffiti war. 71. If Dole is too old, and Buchanan too extreme, Alexander is the reassuring option. 72. They may need reassuring that if they drink more liquid this will not occur. 73. But most have stayed and worn well, reassuring and fixed points in an otherwise changing landscape. 74. The Major encouraged him, then walked him round in a circle, conversing with him in low reassuring tones. 75. This is truly wild country dotted with rocky outcrops and, even on a clear day, occasional compass checks are reassuring. 76. Are these limits evidence-based or guesstimates to pull reassuring wool over our eyes? 77. It was at once reassuring and depressing to find life's major events so predictable in their repetition. 78. The Territorial Army provides a reassuring military presence throughout the country. 79. I might have just imparted to her a bit of good news which somehow had a reassuring effect. 80. Both powers in practice are as useful as a parachute in a space ship - reassuring but not very practical. 81. Prior to 1916 Paul-Yves's life was anchored by the rock-like presence of a reassuring father figure, dominant, capable, sure. 82. Her head buried in her lap, one distressed victim is given a reassuring hug from a concerned friend. 83. It's reassuring to learn that the Government is apparently sympathetic to concerns about the quality threshold. 84. He brings a maturity, a soundness of judgment and a balance of priorities that would be reassuring in a leader. 85. Liberals might welcome this; yet the effects, as they varied from state to state, were by no means reassuring. 86. Brian and I didn't talk, but occasionally gave one another a reassuring pat. 87. The man reassuring him is, or has the authority of, the omniscient and omnipotent novelist. 88. As he did so, he frantically searched his mind for something reassuring to say to the maniac in the back. 89. They represent a reassuring urban parallel to the exotic exploits of Richard Long and Hamish Fulton. 90. Here are some reasons: Mishearing can cause misunderstandings which may be embarrassing or even funny but certainly not reassuring.