快好知 kuaihz

31 For example, one is hard-pressed to find an example of a visionary leader who was not also adept at using language. 32 Among his peers, only Jack Benny was more adept at milking a laugh than Groucho. 33 When daughter Tiffany was born, Olson became adept at changing diapers with one hand. 34 Moreover, after 1905 the press was increasingly adept at escaping censorship, and it became more assertive. 35 The company has been adept at moving into high-margin businesses such as laboratory services, optical fibres and speciality materials. 36 A man so adept at this useless activity that he dueled empty-handed against swordsmen. 37 But James Foley, usually so adept at ensemble direction, often leaves acting novice Barone looking awkward and stranded. 38 Dole has been more adept at seizing photo opportunities in his out-of-town forays. 39 And the chairman had occasionally to be very adept at deflecting any risk of libel! 40 Of all our staff, Peter is the most adept at dealing with difficult customers. 41 By contrast, Reza Shah ruled as a monarch, proving adept at centralization but not at delegation. 42 Being adept at the set conversation piece he managed to extract the relevant data without ever putting his knife in it. 43 Housing activists argue the agency could sell more houses if it were more adept at reaching its target market. 44 There was no one more adept at tracing and rescuing sheep trapped in snow drifts. 45 She is adept at eating every last morsel she is served. 46 The decision to use regression By the second visit Maxine had become quite adept at using the techniques I had taught her. 47 The other species, more technologically adept, sought sanctuary for their decaying bodies by encasing them in survival suits. 48 For another, adept computer users can find a way to break the password or otherwise disable the parentalcontrol software. 49 Jim Keith was particularly adept at this, and everybody sought his advice. 50 Socially adept children are often more forgiving, more likely to overlook minor irritations, and may also model appropriate behaviors. 51 Such people were adept at the manipulation of planning committees, the lobbying of local government officers. 52 They are adept at arranging huge loans, underwriting stock offerings and putting together multinational mergers. 53 The aids had to be given positively and as Katharine became more adept, Benji performed the changes more smoothly. 54 He also became adept at exploiting a variety of popular discontents. 55 The House of Windsor has become highly adept at the business of its own survival. 56 He was also more adept at using his rhetorical skills in the service of theology and asceticism. 57 Because the Falcons are so adept at sacking quarterbacks, Young is not taking this 1-5 team lightly. 58 John has also become quite adept at treating fish and he has bought several with faults and restored them to full health. 59 These are skills which departments should be adept at developing. 60 Nixon and Reagan were quite adept at reaching accommodations with Congress.