快好知 kuaihz

91 He's small for a NFL tight end and may be more adept at wide receiver. 92 For example, one patient of mine who had been deafened by scarlet fever at the age of 9, was so adept at lip-reading that it was easy to forget she was deaf. 93 New entrants in Europe's national markets are also proving to be adept at marketing and promotion. 94 Hedge - fund managers can be adept at exploiting pricing anomalies as well as obscure market niches. 95 The art of programming is the adept manipulation of data and information — a skill akin to capturing light in chiaroscuro. 96 Mana Adept : Arcane will deal damage based how much mana mage has. 97 Assistant is wise, or simply bureaucratically ADEPT, he will have discussed any controversial item with the President. 98 They should have a keen business sense and be adept in managing budgets, projects, and people. 99 Ernest Hemingway has well established himself in the world literary circle for his creative writing style, master-hand linguistic skills and adept expression of profound emotions. 100 You are adept with a text editor like vi or emacs. 101 Technicians at pediatric sleep centers must be adept at getting even squirmy toddlers to tolerate wires on their heads. 102 Delicate concise model design style , the language wielding the adept but concise line, overall hue adopt pure white , optesthesia experiences cheerful fresh people , expert is demure. 103 She was also surprisingly adept at speaking without moving her lips. 104 Among ethnic groups, Bai , Bouyei and Miao people are also adept at embroidery. 105 Kitzi was an adept at getting people to talk confidentially to him. 106 However, there is also adept consumer expresses, mahogany furniture, annual increment of more than 15%, this is nothing more than a business promotional gimmick. 107 An Lushan, an enormously fat man, was adept at playing the buffoon order to ingratiate himself. 108 Ms. "Smoke Screen -up" is an accomplished flutist, as she study flute playing hard with the teacher from Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, she is also adept at webpage and art design. 109 I bad by now become adept at dodging blows and I nimbly ducked my head. 110 He is adept at disease such as coronary disease , hypertension, myocardiopathy rheumaticdiseasedisease and arrhythmias. 111 They must be adept at rendering obsolete the products and services they have created. 112 He's adept in needlecraft. 113 ADePT is a free, stand-alone program, available for download to anyone in the world. 114 If you're not adept at household tasks, take a "do-it-yourself" course at your local hardware store. 115 Of course, worrywarts can be quite adept at concealing the messiness, and showing a cool-as-a-cucumber exterior, while we're screaming inside. 116 But don't get tangled: Gasol's a key player, one of the most adept power forwards in the league at scoring nattily and moving the ball. 117 Though he is neither as showily cerebral as the current prime minister nor as scintillating a retail politician as the previous one, Mr Cameron is adept in both settings. 118 Darling 10 months, heat continuously, go to a hospital examining check, adept side watchs hematic convention. 119 Strong sense of team work and be adept in studying. 120 Be adept in metallurgic inspection and material analysis . be proficient in most lab equipments theory and operation.