快好知 kuaihz

121 Perhaps your organization's habit with PDF is to have someone adept with a particular desktop word processor set up a "mail merge" sort of operation to parameterize document output. 122 You be adept at building trusting relationships with clients to enlist their participation and support. 123 Holly was adept at keeping things to herself , and all had seemed to go quite well. 124 Optimists say China has been adept at steering the right economic course over the last decade, ramping up growth when needed and tamping it down when things get too hot. 125 He worked as a cook in the army, so he was adept at preparing wheaten food. 126 It may not have the best table manners, but this strange looking creature is certainly a very adept and unusual percussionist, which should help provide Nick with a good beat. 127 There is no clear authority to coordinate with; even if there were, it's not clear how adept they would be at commanding a multi-national air and naval force based on three continents. 128 Dilettante watch the scene of bustle, adept guard the entrance. 129 Born in East Bengal, she was an adept in the Tantrik and Vaishnava methods of worship.