socialism造句31. One might as well speak of even-handed socialism.
32. The Soviet Union was originally founded on Socialism.
33. National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology.
34. One of these is his changing attitude toward socialism.
35. The cause of Socialism is not dead.
36. Socialism must be about active and participatory debate.
37. The conflict between nationalism and socialism aligned different classes.
38. In reality, the peasantry had no interest in socialism.
39. Because of this experience he came to champion the cause of psychiatry and of a high-minded version of socialism.
40. In short, though not yet fully attained, political democracy had become respectable, and Socialism had become arguable.
41. His early leanings towards socialism were evident in articles he wrote under a pseudonym from 1885 to 1889 for the Manchester Examiner.
42. Bureaucratization and centralization were also tied to the growth of liberal democracy and socialism in intended and unintended ways.
43. Socialism could not yet be built and they would inevitably disappoint proletarian expectations.
44. They like to wear the cloak of socialism because it's trendy on the international stage.
45. The world is rejecting non-productive socialism as it rejected feudalism.
46. How far was combating socialism the prime motive for the Liberal social reforms 1906-14? 2.
47. Sociology in the final analysis existed to provide a theoretical basis for socialism and secular education which were its practice.
48. Strident editorials in the official press condemned foreign interference and predicted the worldwide triumph of socialism.
49. While some clung to the fading dream of direct transition to socialism based on the peasantry, others became intoxicated by Marxism.
50. That was their stake and it detonated the kind of politics which are the stuff of socialism in our society.
51. Second, there was the isolated position of the Soviet Union in trying to establish socialism in a backward country.
52. Third World countries struggled for national independence and did so often under the banner of nationalist socialism.
53. So we had already experienced the general loss of illusions in socialism.
54. Also, the clerical church has been particularly antipathetic to socialism in any form.
55. In so far as socialism means the collective ownership and management of the economy and social relations, it requires an extensive administrative apparatus.
56. But there has also been a wider questioning of the whole conception of a transition to socialism.
57. Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.
58. The rhetoric of socialism claims to enhance rights, but the practice of socialism invariably extinguishes and restricts peoples' rights.
59. It showed itself to have a horror of socialism already in the nineteenth century.
60. He thought of socialism in humanist terms but had little appreciation of socialist economics.