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91. We report on all the differing views which will produce the only comprehensive strategy for the advance to socialism. 92. Hugh Gaitskell, more influential as leader of the Opposition than many prime ministers, had declared that socialism was about equality. 93. Labour appeared intent upon returning to fundamental socialism with the shadow of Tony Benn hovering over the whole party. 94. But they went one stage further: Soviet socialism adopted a stance of militant atheism. 95. Tanzania is a country committed to building socialism in the long term. 96. Socialism and fun were here colliding, whereas conservatism and fun seem to bounce along happily in the YCs. 97. There exists today widespread propaganda which asserts that socialism is dead. 98. Social democracy would give us the benefits of both capitalism and socialism without their faults. 99. But Marxism and socialism are not the only nineteenth-century political theories which have been presented in a new way during recent decades. 100. In time, when a revolution from world capitalism to world socialism sweeps away the economic base, the state will disappear. 101. Lenin accepted that socialism would be a form of state, but with a different mode of organizing state functionaries. 102. That does not denote a huge surge for socialism, or even anything remotely like it. 103. Bismarck was right to distrust the cities as breeders of socialism, but wrong to exaggerate the danger. 104. For the Left, this was a conflict between capitalism and socialism. 105. Similarly, the ideology of socialism in its Marxist-Leninist form is quite distinct from its democratic socialist form. 106. Marxism's vision of socialism was much more congenial to the intelligentsia than that of a peasant-based utopia. 107. I am glad that at the next election the choice will be between conservatism and socialism. 108. In the domestic sphere the policy was equally fundamental, for tariff reform was seen as the antithesis of socialism. 109. It was less a programme for socialism than a commitment to social reform. 110. At the same time, however, the most passionate supporters of the national socialism of Milosevic are women too. 111. The best way to fight against the threat of nuclear war is to fight for socialism through class-struggle means. 112. Not until rising nationalism and socialism ousted capitalism from the Third World would capitalism be destroyed. 113. If the strictures of the Conservative party against the implications of socialism were implemented, there would be no housing benefit. 114. Humanitarianism has always been one of the major motivations making for socialism. 115. Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.Ronald Reagan 116. In the 1920s and 1930s the Soviets could be motivated to build socialism. 117. There is no way to win world socialism except through revolutionary mass parties fraternally associated in an international organization. 118. The critical question, the acid test of socialism, is the distribution of power at the point of production. 119. The idea of socialism, so passionately affirmed by the Bennite multitudes, attracted less and less support amongst the population at large. 120. Labour must reassert the ideological strength and popular appeal of the values and ideals of democratic socialism.