socialism造句61. Running down the centre of the Boulevard of the Victory of Socialism, there were rows of ornate street lights.
62. Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression.Che Guevara
63. Perhaps this marks the single biggest difference between Marxist Socialism, and Empirical Socialism as it is now practised.
64. The concept of liberalism in the United States is best understood as a very limited version of democratic socialism.
65. There is a big movement in favor of socialism in the South, and work is under way to create a national front.
66. The contrary arguments were there, and indeed cogently argued, but were almost silenced by the clamour for State socialism.
67. As David grew older he became increasingly disillusioned with socialism.
68. All concerns about modern life were supposedly resolved by National Socialism.
69. In proposing a rupture between liberal internationalism and nationalist socialism, Hyndman and Blatchford were ahead of their time.
70. On the one hand, large-scale machine industry was seen as the necessary prerequisite for socialism.
71. For in fact, Co-operation does not fit comfortably into the Webbs' conception of Socialism.
72. We started by observing the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
73. What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment in democratic socialism?
74. And, by definitively closing the book on the past, the language of socialism also remains trapped in Stalinism's wreckage.
75. But socialism was doomed unless power remained on the factory floor and flowed upwards, rather than downwards.
76. It calls itself socialist, but wins seats in rural constituencies which have no time for socialism.
77. The full implications of this convergence between state socialism and nationalism only became apparent after war broke out in 1914.
78. The notion of bypassing capitalism, of direct transition from feudalism to socialism, was idle Utopianism.
79. At the same time, however, labour socialism was more coherent and critical than labourism.
80. What was more to the point was that socialism in power meant economic conservatism in practice.
81. There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man.Che Guevara
82. You hear it all the time, as Thatcherism makes its long march against the historical inevitability of socialism.
82. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
83. There are significantly different variations within the ideology of socialism.
84. The long-term aim of the naturalisation of economic relations was still central to Bukharin's view of socialism.
85. He never shifted from his brand of socialism, a commitment to more equal distribution, combined with plenty of pragmatism.
86. It won converts to socialism by making it respectable, exciting and desirable.
87. He joined the Labour party in 1924 on the mistaken assumption that socialism in power would achieve economic and social reform.
88. Against this powerful combination of socialism and nationalism, liberal economics stood little chance.
89. In an empire where no one was his own master except the Inca, was it socialism or a dictatorship which prevailed?
90. With a background of socialism, these PTAs were not averse to spending public money on promoting public transport.