快好知 kuaihz

even so造句
91. Even so, the obvious incorrect answer 15 was given by more pupils than the correct answer. 92. Even so we do sometimes find admissions that women were doing the more advanced tasks. 93. Even so, Swilling expects his student to make a smooth transition to defensive end. 94. Even so, he had learned a lot, keeping what he knew from Spatz and his cronies. 95. Even so we would do well to attend to what it has to tell us. 96. Even so, some mammal parents still find it worth while to deposit their babies in a creche. 97. Even so, it is a very impressive example of the role of cytoplasmic factors and cell lineage. 98. Even so, with her suitcase as well, we look like holidaymakers returning from a wet week away. 99. Even so we do not expect such spells to lead to permanent changes in our lifestyle. 100. Even so Adenauer was only elected Chancellor by a slim margin - 202 votes out of 404. 101. Even so, one naughty specimen, avoiding the fate of its fellows, buzzed around McAllister's head. 102. Even so, I learned a few things that could not be charted on graphs in Washington offices. 103. Even so, the implications of this theory for old stars and other massive bodies were not generally realized until the 1960s. 104. Even so, this shift in thinking is taking place at an awkward time. 105. Even so, she said, many of the people who come to the hospice ask about assisted suicide. 106. Even so, our Bell West connection made him sound like he was in the Antipodes, or Oakland! 107. Even so they could have done with cutting the lineouts more, even though this strategy runs the risks of cluttering the midfield. 108. Even so, he came top of the class in many subjects. 109. Even so, its improvement has been noted by rivals and observers alike. 110. Even so it helps to understand what each requires in an ideal situation. 111. Even so, by 1987, the Sinfield and Fraser estimate shows an overall ratio of eighteen unemployed to every job vacancy. 112. Even so, with members of the cast having so many other commitments it's been difficult to get everyone together. 113. Even so, most of the older nomes preferred to stay in the sheds, or in the cosy gloom under the floorboards. 114. Even so, he despised being made the goat on the altar. 115. But even so, why had he not come running to find out what was happening? 116. Even so, what is trivial linguistically and practically may be elevated to importance socially. 117. Even so, the repression of each revolt inspired later uprisings, sowing the seeds of future resistance. 118. Even so, those who were fully employed were the fortunate ones, for half the population of Nottingham was on poor relief. 119. Even so, his grand accommodation suggests that great things are in store for him. 120. Even so, an overall impression of the organisation is still necessary.