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even so造句
181. Even so, some one would usually give me a hand or watch, with amusement, from the corners of their eyes. 182. Even so the struggle between the plant eaters and their predators was frequently finely balanced. 183. Even so, Golding said, her top priority is still hiring more police officers. 184. Even so, the size-and-weight-of-head argument is a rather specious one. 185. He never played in the same pub twice in the same month; even so, word got around among the regulars. 186. Even so, marriage is hardly a foolproof enforcer of monogamy. 187. Even so, two of them scraped home without reaching the quota. 188. This he freely admitted, although, even so, neither he nor Mama would ever reveal what his real name was. 189. Even so, the end result will be well worth the effort. 190. Even so, as Table 4.1 shows, wholesale funding remains a comparatively small proportion of total liabilities. 191. Even so, some analysts question whether the company can finance a new model costing, perhaps, £250 million without outside help. 192. Even so, a large majority predicted the Republicans would retain control of the Senate and House. 193. Even so, when applied to yesterday's polls the program yields fascinating - not to say hair-raising - results. 194. Even so, some residents had started to venture out to local pubs and shops and were slowly becoming part of the community. 195. Wycliffe rang with timidity; even so the silence he had scarcely noticed until now was brutally shattered. 196. Even so, the retention of the existing framework in the burial alignment suggests continuity within an essentially Roman context. 197. Even so there have been no easy solutions to monitoring the country's public expenditure. 198. Even so, the debate that has raged over these very issues has been bad for all the disciplines involved. 199. Even so, it had to grow, to strengthen itself and impose itself as a power in the land. 200. Even so, talk of course alterations continued throughout the jittery months of 1938 but no expenditure was undertaken. 201. Even so, it's a swell idea and I know Harry's crazy about the farm. 202. The task of managing even so thriving an economy was difficult. 203. Even so, alarm bells are beginning to sound at Westminster. 204. Even so, there is one essential difference which is that the determinant factor is specified in advance of testing by economic theory. 205. Even so, appreciation of the pound against the euro is clearly having a deleterious effect on profit margins. 206. Even so he did his level best with the new ball. 207. Even so, more than a few investors are anticipating bond yields to keep falling in the next few months. 208. Even so they may also have difficulty in covering the full range of literature suggested, though not in understanding or enjoying it. 209. Callie drew the curtains with a soapy hand, but even so the light washed everything out. 210. Even so, it took me till I got to my own house to realise the very simple truth.