even so造句211. Even so, those with grace always know how to be graceful and she would probably understand the true meaning of the gesture.
212. Even so, he could see something of himself in her; that same hardness in the face of adversity.
213. Even so, reptiles accumulate an oxygen debt if active for long periods, as well as suffering from fatigue and slow rates of repayment.
214. Even so, in the diffuse community which centred on the church there might be those willing to shelter him.
215. Even so, 900 seconds is superb in a world in which 450 seconds once looked like a firm upper limit.
216. Even so, the number of households for which this is true is remarkably small.
217. Even so it was only twenty four hours before the actual landing that the time and place were known.
218. Even so, large quantities of brandy and gin were consumed as the men talked.
219. Even so, the event was treated by the mass media with an almost cavalier disregard for the real dangers.
220. Even so it was just great to get back on a road race bike again in February.
221. He sacrificed status to remain in Middlemarch and even so can not see her.
222. Even so it is not clear whether the old corrupt officials have been removed.
223. Even so, many expatriates are put off the offshore industry by its reputation for shady practices.
224. Even so, it had to be adapted to new uses, notably in the scientific field.
225. Even so, a single diplomat may be called upon to serve at different times in a variety of capacities.
226. Even so, he does not give any pointers to the Club's originators.
227. Even so, God cared and provided for Elijah.
228. Even so, the mood in Toronto was celebratory.
229. Even so, Herring still any details of the accident.
230. But even so there has been some carping.
231. Even so, Cochran thinks getting good employees who make the system work is the crucial factor.
232. Even so, the mode of action of the ethylene so produced is still difficult to specify.
233. Even so, Ssangyong Motor is more like a poison corrupting Shanghai Automotive body.
234. Even so, are mounting indications that governments are on the ascendant.
235. Carrie smiled genially, grateful that he should condescend to advise her even so much.
236. But even so, the cumulative process had for most Americans a deep , almost mythological significance.
237. Even so, much of what Mr Obama said was disingenuous.
238. Even so, they continued to invest in Latin America, albeit at a frenetic pace.
239. Even so, the first images have an eerily familiar quality , showing rocks hollows, hills and mesas.
240. She has never given up her nationality. Even so, her opponents argue that she is not a true Burmese.