extinct造句91. The adonis blue and silver-skipper butterflies are all but extinct.
92. As a result, the otter, barn owl and red squirrel are now virtually extinct in many parts of the country.
93. Cuvier noticed that the most recently extinct creatures such as the mammoth were closely related to living species.
94. For many years they were known only from fossil representatives and were believed to be extinct.
95. If nothing is done to save the whales now, the species will soon become extinct.
96. Its fans hung stalled above them like the wheels of an extinct machine.
97. Of the thousands of computer viruses cataloged by virus hunters so far, not one species of them has gone extinct.
98. The island is actually the summit of a huge, extinct volcano.
99. All that remains of Champa today are its magnificent stone sculptures, silent testimony to an extinct society.
100. Then, as the softies were driven extinct, Harrington followed them, having no easy prey left.
101. The other half of the NEOs are extinct comet nuclei.
102. Those that became extinct were replaced by better adapted ones.
103. There was none after 1969, and the colony is now extinct.
104. Why are there different combinations of extinct species in each layer of rock?
105. These extinct fishes were unlike their modern counterparts in possessing a dermal skeleton of minute scales and/or bony plates.
106. All of them were marine and all of them are extinct.
107. Or, in a real tragedy, a key scaffold species may be globally extinct.
108. Many tropical islands once had their own species, but most of these are now extinct.
109. Any species-any country-that fails to adapt will join the pantheon of the extinct.
110. Now it is probably extinct as a breeding bird in Shetland, and its place has been taken by the reed bunting.
111. And he used the extinct volcano as a footstool.
112. Small wonder that Greek mythology is extinct.
113. The Great Auk is an extinct bird.
114. The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.
115. Then Hades will become extinct forever.
116. Trapped inside was an extinct breed of stingless bee.
117. Certain extinct cephalopods have an unusual coiling shape.
118. Mr Charrington, thought Winston, was another extinct animal.
119. This huge dish of overpriced stodge should be extinct.
120. African Wild Ginger, for example, is now reportedly extinct in the wild.