fond造句271. As a result, I always made the mistake of overlapping. Till now, I am still fond of Strange Tles from a Scholar's Studio and the meretricious Paris fashionable dress reports for their appealing words.
272. One who practises archery is typically known as an "archer" or "bowman, " and one who is fond of or an expert at archery can be referred to as a "toxophilite.
273. Mila is fond of making hummus from organic dried garbanzo beans as a good daily protein source.
274. I am fond of JAVA, if being sure to go all out if acting as the procedure designer, am that the company makes contribution.
275. Do you ask me to express me which part performance to be fond of most?
276. A lemon drop. They're a kind of Muggle sweet I'm rather fond of.
277. My wife is fond of chocolates; She has a very setter tooth.
278. My wife and I were especially fond of animals. Pluto was our favorite pet and playmate.
279. It is fond to be very powerful to combine regression analysis and ANN method to obtain semi empirical model of chem. process.
280. They were delayed because zoo-goers in the US had grown so fond of the pandas and because the pair were not ready yet to participate in the programme.
281. She adds, "An admiral I know is fond of saying, 'When it comes to energy, there is no silver bullet — there is only silver buckshot.'
282. Eyes that don't want orthoptic sorcery idol, the conference is been fond of by the perfect creature but loses mental!
283. I am fond of the tour, athletic sports, film, music.
284. The expansionists are fond of resorting to blood and iron.
285. He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way.
286. She is a notorious gossiper here; who is very fond of dishing the dirt just around others.
287. Advocates are fond of noting that nuclear power now provides 70 percent of the country's "carbon-free" energy.
288. There are some insolvable problems facing the music education in regular schools. There is a popular saying that students are fond of music but take no interest in music lessons.
289. You are fond of thanking the data that you provide , I am Dalian medical university pharmaceutical college teacher , that we want to buy your company's microtome , type is.