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121. Insert Dialog Button 015015 Inserts a new dialog into the active workbook. 122. The details of the current data frame coordinate system display on the dialog box. 123. In the top part of the dialog box, select the symbol that separates the columns. 124. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print row and column headers. 125. This value can be changed in the Page Setup dialog. 126. When the dialog box opens and asks where to put the process implementation, click OK to accept the default. 127. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print row and column headers. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value. 128. You can view the result of a LINQ statement by using DataTips, the Watch window, and the QuickWatch dialog box. 129. In this article, you've seen how to use data templates by dragging data from the Page Data view onto the page and then learned how to locate these templates in the Preferences dialog. 130. From the Import Content Set dialog, select Files from a file system folder (such as DOC, PDF, and HTML files). 131. This is the default paper specification. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value. 132. In the resulting Add Project Output Group dialog box, select a project from the Project list. 133. This contact is not associated with a KDE address book entry, where the email address is stored. Check that a contact is selected in the properties dialog. 134. Using the Page Style dialog - can specify margins to two ( fractional ) decimal places. 135. Use Orca.exe (from the Microsoft Platform SDK) to extend the Installation Address dialog box. 136. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog: whether to center pages vertically. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value. 137. The print setup function would offer up all those choices about paper and copies and fonts . It would also be very reasonable to be able to go directly from the configure dialog to printing. 138. In the Edit Remote Site dialog box (see figure 11), enter the appropriate URL of the update site that you created. 139. Enter loancalculator. jsp in the URL field in the Configure URL dialog that pops up, leave the Label field empty, and click OK. 140. When you add a list box with a horizontal scroll bar to a dialog box using MFC classes, the scroll bar will not automatically appear in your application. 141. I argued that the obliterate dialog box should include a photograph of a 75-year old catholic nun scowling and holding a yardstick. 142. In the left pane of the Run dialog box, right-click Eclipse Application and select New_configuration. 143. On the Paste Special dialog, in the Selection area, select only the Formats option. 144. Since you don't want to relocate your WC, just abort this dialog. 145. Changes the active control field in an option section of a dialog. 146. If a programming error occurs in the product, communicate the occurrence with a dialog, and log it. 147. This module allows the user to set the page margin in twips and will then display the printer page setup dialog using the correct values for their locale. 148. Select the Environment tab of the Run dialog box as shown in figure 11. 149. On the Goal Seek dialog, the correct cell is already entered in the Formula cell field. 150. In the Save File As dialog box, select a location for the file.