快好知 kuaihz

151. This dialog can be used to setup external command line applications as audio encoders. 152. The relative change in the target cell is less than the Convergence setting in the Solver Options dialog box for the last five trial solutions. 153. Adds a new path to the Search Path dialog box. 154. Founds based on the dialog box project, all tacitly approve then. 155. The Admin user account ( to activate the Logon dialog box ). 156. In the Join dialog box change the comparison operator between the primary keys as required. 157. Use the "add strings" dialog to edit your string list or double click on a string. 158. The default page header for new documents that can be modified using the page setup dialog. 159. For more information, see Advanced SQL Generation Options Dialog Box. 160. Those instances appear as normal printers in the print dialog and allow you to quickly select the print format you want. 161. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the paper section of the dialog box (paper size and paper source) is enabled. 162. Modal Dialog programming: Use the dialog editor that contain the different dialog resource control. 163. In other words, it's almost like a silent movie, as most of the dialog completely misses its destination, while Bean stumbles right through the middle. 164. The End node contains dialog boxes that are displayed after the installation is complete. 165. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print empty but formatted cells. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value. 166. I believe that , you know, unilateralism is too expensive, and open dialog is too slow. 167. The default page footer for new documents that can be modified using the page setup dialog. 168. Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close the Gradient Editor dialog box. 168. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 169. Select the Background tab of the Style Builder dialog box, and click the ellipsis button (. ) Next to the Color field to open the Color Picker dialog box. 170. In the Initial and Ambient Conditions dialog box specify initial values of the flow parameters. 171. The Connection Properties dialog appears, prompting you to define another database connection. 172. Do your users a favor and never create another confirmation dialog box. 173. In clavier times, the input method is person and computer dialog, enter Internet world fundamental pattern. 174. Unit information in the help dialog now displays abilities and upgrades. 175. To display the Choose Item dialog box, click the Input list field. 176. Long Zheng will be happy: we've got rid of the Add Fonts dialog that has served Windows faithfully for the last twenty years. 177. In the Advanced Compiler Settings dialog box, select the Remove integer overflow checks check box. 178. To start using msconfig, open the Run dialog box again, type in "msconfig, " and press "OK." 179. Design the cards in portrait or landscape orientation with the page setup dialog. 180. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print first right then down.