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241. When you click this button, the Data Link Properties dialog box appears. 242. The profiling dialog box is integrated with the run dialog, and pre-defined profiling sets are available to users, as shown in Figure 1. 243. OutputLink tab in the Project Settings dialog box, set the Entry Point Symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup. 244. In the Add New Item dialog box,[www.] select Preprocessed Text Template. 245. As you work with geoprocessing tools more and more, you may find the Command Line window a real work-saver. Instead of opening a tool dialog, you enter text for a tool and its parameters. 246. In the GUI object module, we give the design mode of dialog box and controls. 247. This dialog box makes it possible for you to change the default formatting settings for the CSS Editor. 248. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Business Data Connectivity Model. 249. In the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list. 250. The Word dialog box for administering COM - add-ins will be shown.