快好知 kuaihz

(31) Most creative ideas spring from analogy of some kind. (32) But mostly we develop our language by analogy. (33) We are here concerned with the liberty of the subject and, by analogy, with the rules applicable in criminal cases. (34) The main criticism of the argument from analogy is that these two assumptions are inconsistent. (35) There is a striking analogy here with crystal growth, except that it happens in two dimensions, not three. (36) This notion of a criterion could be used to show the argument from analogy to be unnecessary. (37) Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at. (38) The analogy of the sales pitch is revealing, for advertisers do not promote their product merely by providing information about it. (39) Another analogy might be an index file in which each index card represents a schema. (40) Here again, the analogy between individual and organizational attitudes and behavior patterns is revealing. (41) We can perhaps draw a useful analogy with pharmaceutical products. (42) It remains to be seen whether we can learn by analogy. (43) The analogy with computer software is not, of course, exact. (44) But with his veto this week of a bill that would have banned lobbyist gifts, the perplexed-bear analogy no longer works. (45) It looked like the circus leaving town, which may be an apt analogy. (46) The only analogy was St Trinian's, but this was dead serious. (47) We will mention one, called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia. (48) The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones. (49) In the bureaucratic model, there is a close analogy with the theory of the firm. (50) Carrying the analogy further, the functions carried out by the human body would be the electronic commerce applications. (51) To use Gordon Brown's analogy, we are being offered sparrows and sticklebacks. (52) The analogy between the seed out of the ground and the seed in the ground is exactly applicable to man. (53) This could be seen as an approximation to a Ramsey-optimal price structure, though the analogy is probably rather forced. (54) The reason for this is interesting, and worth a digression because it provides a good genetic analogy. (55) There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection. (56) I have used the analogy of the structure of a document to describe the basis of the curriculum. (56)try its best to collect and create good sentences. (57) Levin and Bronshten reach similar conclusions, by analogy with typical terminal-flare meteors. (58) Analogies are of interest because they require a construction and comparison of relationships between the members that make up the analogy. (59) There is an analogy to be drawn here with Nizan's trip to Aden. (60) These initial reflections did not include, then, any analogy between artificially and naturally selective breeding.