快好知 kuaihz

(91) An often-heard analogy in the airline industry is that seats are perishable like fruit. (92) Another strategy that Cooley uses occasionally is the analogy between things that are very different in most respects. (93) The best analogy is probably with the methods of the legal profession. (94) A close analogy can be drawn between cancer of the cell and a society hooked on drugs. (95) There is no analogy, then, between the power of taxation and the power of regulating commerce.... (96) The analogy between the identity of a living body and that of personal identity makes this plausible. (97) It is not an analogy to be pushed too far, but the point should be clear by now. (98) Similarly, by analogy and by convention, helices are also described as right or left-handed. (99) Modern societies are therefore institutionally differentiated, on the analogy of biological organisms, from the relatively simple to the relatively complex. (100) They assume, that is, that the principles of analogy and local interpretation constrain their experience. (101) By analogy to the hybrid motor the expression for pull-out torque in a variable-reluctance motor can be found directly. (102) This is the analogy to the alpha particle. (103) Analogy and correspondence provide fundamental structure for the universe. (104) He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours. (105) Analogy may be a deceitful guide. (106) Analogy bear hardships prevenient, enjoy after. (107) The analogy a computer database is not perfect. (108) The analogy with a computer database is not perfect. (109) The name is an analogy with "voltage-controlled oscillator". (110) Let's consider a file folder analogy. (111) You can only master knowledge through learning by analogy. (112) A good analogy for a constructor method is a building contractor, who takes the blueprints for your house and builds it. (113) The test method, the inductive method, the deductive method and the analogy method are usually used in physics research. (114) This article has described the form of virtual enterprise in the manner of analogy, and researched into the principle of organizing it, and initially designed the running rule system. (115) On the analogy of the magnetic and gravitational buoyancy forces, the concept of the magnetic acceleration is proposed. (116) The result was a development process now referred to as the waterfall model,[www.] an analogy to the fact that the development process was allowed to flow in only one direction. (117) Another analogy is to the invention of the paperback book; by reducing the cost of books, it increased the demand for them. (118) Then, in analogy with the annealing of metals, the temperature is made high in the early stages of the process for faster minimisation or learning, then is reduced for greater stability. (119) Finally, to complete the analogy, because your 40th birthday comes around only once, you need to make sure that you achieve this goal by then. (120) Why this elaborate analogy with plate tectonics and continental drift?