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(151) Collocational errors are attributed to mother tongue interference, overextension of analogy and incomplete knowledge of the TL structure. (152) The coal cleat pattern in the Kushiro coalfield, Japan, shows some analogy to isolated straight joints. (153) To strike an analogy, it is bypassing all procedures for the sale, revealed a castle in the air for both at the individual conditions of auction sale agreement. (154) Three-dimensional(3D)unsteady compressible flow over an open cavity and the relevant aeroacoustics are studied using a hybrid LES-acoustic analogy method. (155) There is no place for metaphor or analogy in this process, since these accentuate the superficial. (156) There are five strategies in this assortment system. They are transfiguration strategy, analogy strategy, transplant strategy, association strategy, recompose strategy. (157) The analogy between internal friction increment and overstress due to strain - rate sensitivity is cla. (158) Animals who are dressed-up. An analogy meaning immoral and despicable people. (159) There is a very appropriate analogy with the cherry samurai sword. (159) Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! (160) By analogy, diagnostic neutrality means maintaining a positionof equidistance from the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual forces impinging on the patient. (161) Analogy stickle into the column, do not know to follow the changes in the form of opinion or approach to change. (162) Crystals may be classified as either ionic or covalent by analogy with molecules. (163) The measured signal needing by system popularly can be divided into two kinds which are on-off quantity and analogy quantity. (164) It has the features of divinity, human - analogy, and sociality. (165) But this theory is still full of problems, mainly in the argument analogy, the state of mind ontological irreducibility on the causes and free will. (166) Its hardware adopts distributed system architecture, the analogy measurement uses a. c. direct sampling and the operation tracking presents directed graph search tracking algorithm. (167) The result shows that if students are hinted by forms of analogy, their relation schema of such type will be helpfully activated and that will be in the interest of the formation of conjecturing. (168) Finally, the paper carried on the analogy to DNA sequence design problem and graph independent set problem, and proved the maximum DNA sequences set problem was a NP complete problem. (169) Presently the new methods include case study, PBL teaching, lead-in teaching, multi-media teaching and analogy teaching etc. (170) In the same paper, Kent uses a three-legged stool analogy. (171) But in the past, it's always based on the experience to design the slewing frame, that is, by analogy or in terms of the principle of material mechanic to design the structure. (172) This paper describes the construction and equivalent circuit of a model for the ultrasonic motor from the point of view of the electrical analogy. (173) It is the exact same analogy as being regular bathhouse patrons ( myself included ). (174) Orientation analogy law plays as a bridge in the development of ophthalmological theory of TCM, and it will play an important role in the establishment of inner-eye-zangfu theory in the future. (175) He's not saying this is definitely happening, but he uses the Y2K crisis as an analogy. (176) Normally, the correlations employ certain dimensionless numbers from analyses such as dimensional analysis or analogy. (177) So, the analogy of industry the group that hang a horse similar crab group is the big boss in gangdom , no wonder also, because they are held, controlled the active right in whole industry catenary.