快好知 kuaihz

61) More than 40 years' experience of the planning system has established a powerful plan-making bureaucracy in central and local government. 62) This bureaucracy, for reasons still obscure, had decided that my posture was a disgrace and had to be corrected. 63) How great ideas like the Church got bogged down in bureaucracy. 63) Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 64) In a society still shackled by regulations and bureaucracy he was astonishingly impudent. 65) The bureaucracy represented a stable social group with a specific psychological style. 66) Many are high-level members of the federal bureaucracy and commute up Route 5 each day into Washington. 67) Even where secrecy was not ordered from above, the squabbling Soviet bureaucracy worked against the efficient collection and distribution of data. 68) As he rose in the county bureaucracy, rich people brought him gifts to stay on his good side. 69) Meanwhile, organized labor and the thousands of new patronage jobs in the federal bureaucracy gave the president powerful political leverage. 70) There appears to be a universal crisis in centralised decision making and considerable public alienation from bureaucracy. 71) For Weber, a bureaucracy was a special form of social organisation particularly associated with modern, large-scale industry and commerce. 72) Radical elite theorists regard Weberian, or organization theory, conceptions of bureaucracy as ideological. 73) Government has reduced the burden of regulation and the need for central bureaucracy. 74) The disaster in Rangoon had touched off an extensive reorganization of the bureaucracy dealing with North-South and international affairs. 75) The consequence may well be the forms of bureaucracy that so occupy the attention of administrative reformers. 76) In the United States a number of factors have combined to render the bureaucracy more open to public scrutiny. 77) Therefore, their secret agenda is how best to strangle the utilities with as much bureaucracy and red tape as possible. 78) Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy. 79) Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation. 80) Tighter control of the bureaucracy by one group of politicians may work to the disadvantage of others. 81) None of this, however, precludes diversity within both bureaucracy and intelligentsia. 82) The corollary to this is the claim that bureaucracy in police stations is chimerical. 83) The glow from a thousand points of light seems less reliable than that from the lightbulbs of a well-financed bureaucracy. 84) The evolution of a rudimentary bureaucracy was, by 1180, the distinguishing feature of royal and princely administrations. 85) The economic interests of the state bureaucracy are largely realized through state revenue-raising. 86) For the bureaucracy, allegiance to the Emperor came before democratic representation. 87) The greatest irritant most people experience in their dealings with government is the arrogance of the bureaucracy. 88) But running through all these was the belief that an advanced state could not be run without a bureaucracy. 89) Tony Vaux follows him through the comic-horror jungle of Third World bureaucracy - and corruption. 90) What power it had was in the hands of an aging bureaucracy.