快好知 kuaihz

separate from造句
1. Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat. 2. The women are kept separate from the men. 3. After twelve years, he decided to separate from the firm. 4. Keep the fish separate from the other food. 5. Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones. 6. Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others. 7. The law clearly recognizes that a company is separate from those who invest in it. 8. The waste water is kept entirely separate from the rainwater. 9. He tries to keep his professional life completely separate from his private life. 10. I try to keep meat separate from other food in the fridge. 11. The nursery was separate from the main school. 12. Smoking sections in restaurants should be kept separate from non-smoking sections. 13. Atlantis is scheduled to separate from Mir space station on Thursday night. 14. How these works are viewed officially as separate from the film industry can be seen in terms of censorship. 15. It is evident that auditors should be separate from their client's management. 16. He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec's threat to separate from Canada. 17. The Islington project provided houses for conversion into flats quite separate from this money. 18. And the feeling persists that Guinness ads. are undoubtedly different, separate from the rest of the herd. 19. Correspondence and records are best kept in a small office separate from the rest of the farmhouse. 20. All human individuals are on a par, but each is separate from every other like the matches in a match box. 21. Temporal distance is encoded by the past tense, reflecting content time, which is separate from coding time. 22. Those at risk-overly sensitive, poorly assertive children-have not achieved the emotional mastery necessary to be successfully separate from parents. 23. Unlike zoanthids, where large colonies can form by a similar process, the young mushroom polyps separate from the parent completely. 24. Originally, the Government's intention was to keep the compiling of the electoral register separate from the poll tax register. 25. Even those of us who like to think we know better sometimes have trouble keeping Hollywood fantasies separate from reality. 26. There was just her and him and this voyage: a capsule of time separate from their normal lives. 27. President Aylwin has been careful to keep the issue of military corruption quite separate from that of human-rights offences. 28. These are just two examples of Western capital moving overseas, separate from Western labor. 29. Although the crimes of criminal corporations are clearly serious, they should be kept analytically separate from corporate crime. 30. Residential programmes for family members normally last five days and are separate from the recovery programmes for sufferers from the primary disease.