快好知 kuaihz

separate from造句
121. For example, we might add user interface logic that we want to keep separate from our model, or we might add some classes for performance reasons. 122. The collectivistic moral demand should still be abided by the private enterprises and the development of collectivistic moral can be separate from the participation of private enterprises. 123. Results:Keep the hyoscine butylbromide peak separate from the related substances and determine the limit of the main impurity. 124. Many researches showed that, the coalescence is the main reason to speed up the movement of drops on the surface with gradient surface energy and separate from the surface in dropwise condensation. 125. Threeminutes into its flight (approximately 1, 400 miles from its target), the EKVwill separate from the third-stage booster rocket. 126. The cooker discharge, percolator, press, grinders and other equipment in the finished product area shall be entirely separate from the charging and other raw material handling areas. 127. However, he said the Paralympics -- which are for athletes with physical disabilities -- are separate from the Olympics, with separate events. 128. And he struggled withsleeplessness the whole rest of his life, although this issue was oftenhard to separate from his other ailments — including severe depression, chronic alcoholism and diabetes. 129. And significant additional finance that is separate from and additional to ODA needs to be mobilised to support them meet the incremental costs generated by climate change.