快好知 kuaihz

separate from造句
31. So we strongly recommend you establish some boundaries and keep your business world separate from your love life. 32. And finally, there was my personal life, which was separate from the family and work. 33. I watched as they crossed the yard and entered an office adjoining, but separate from, Donald's. 34. The subjects will, of course, be kept entirely separate from, and therefore uncontaminated,[www.] by each other. 2. 35. Will they have to contract for rehabilitation services separate from the contract for acute beds? 36. In modern mills, grain is stored in silos which are often separate from the mill and near to a bulk intake point. 37. In these theories the late heavy bombardment can be separate from accretion, as in curve B in Figure 6.9. 38. Culture, according to these philosophers, was something separate from nature. 39. Each bulb is separate from the others, and we may think of them, accordingly, as separate from each other. 40. Day 19 Six under-developed fry were observed in a group, separate from the rest of the shoal. 41. There is an extensive rose garden, separate from the Observatory, laid out in the 1930s. 42. In theory all providers of financial services and products are supposed to keep clients' money separate from their own. 43. Sometimes this function was performed by castle towns, but some centres of the commodity economy were separate from domain administration. 44. The new contract, which Laws negotiated with the board, also provides additional compensation that is separate from the base salary. 45. Dale and Terry have little trouble keeping their work life separate from their married life. 46. I also see that it is separate from the memory I hold of Mother in the iron lung. 47. In many designs, the learning mode is separate from observation and storage modes. 48. The building of temples signifies a religion in which the Gods have begun to separate from the land. 49. Keep the creamy brown body meat separate from the flaked white claw meat. 50. She was much too fond of Heathcliff, and the worst punishment we could invent was to keep her separate from him. 51. When shopping, keep raw meats and poultry separate from other foods in the cart, especially fresh produce. 52. Even people with more liberal leanings believe that California is somehow separate from the rest of the country. 53. Separate from these groups was the large mass of youth whose clothes were chain store versions of traditional styles. 54. The Commissioners are politically appointed and as a collegiate body establish policy priorities separate from those of the Council. 55. The new approach attempts to account for non-value-added costs separate from value-added costs. 56. These cards should be kept separate from the player's other cards. 57. Her own policy agenda, as King notes, has often been separate from that of the Cabinet or Conservative party. 58. Its product line, including the Tuxedo transaction processing monitor, will be separate from Novell's. 59. After the rut the males separate from the groups of females and begin their more or less solitary existence once again. 60. Each users entries are kept separate from the others and can be password protected to prevent anyone else from peeking.