快好知 kuaihz

31. These activities enrich the course programme by informing undergraduate courses with the latest principles and practices emerging from international boardrooms and marketplaces. 32. What is evident is that the age of electronic records opens numerous possibilities that will enrich the understanding of contemporary culture. 33. To enrich a system you need variance in time and space. 34. It grows, matures and retains a capacity to surprise and enrich. 35. As we accept more responsibility, so we empower and enrich our lives. 36. Each of these essays has important observations about these negotiations which enrich our experience of the plays. 37. Each of the other roles is more productive: The traveller is a stranger whose curiosity can enrich the sense of community. 38. The goal of the course is to enrich our understanding of other cultures. 39. Your life gets better by changing yourself - to improve yourself, to enrich your strengths and to discard your weaknesses.Dr T.P.Chia 40. The fine arts, including those with public support, can certainly enrich our society. 41. Retiring public servants now routinely move into jobs where their previous contacts and responsibilities can enrich themselves and their employers. 42. For example, the imaginative use of stop changes can greatly enrich the singing of the Psalms. 43. For instance in use at Edinburgh Zoo there is a cement ant hill for chimpanzees which was developed to enrich their environment. 44. We shall have even less time than before to enrich the curriculum with a range of imaginative exploratory activity. 45. Enrich with Bilberry Extract, Orange Extract, and Lemon Extract. 46. Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil. 47. As it Can enrich the contents of my life, and also benefit society and others. 48. Bai current system and tie-dye less complete study, which is the development of Bai tie-dye a big defect, resulting in its development, innovation, enrich and passive marketing. 49. Go together with up the vitamin content enrich of colourful pepper and onions, this string of nourishment and delicacy for burning all well-found. 50. In addition, friendship can enrich our life and broaden our outlook. 51. Modern science and technology enrich and perfect biomechanical theory, electric technique and new material technology provide a lot of new experiment methods and test means in biomechanical research. 52. These results further enrich and develop the quaternion matrix algebra. The dissertation is divided into 5 chapters. 53. Vague and overlapping regulations can seem expressly designed to enrich predatory officials. 54. The results above not only enrich the cytological references, but provide corresponding data for the construction of the three-dimensional graphics. 55. Tang clothing of mixed eclectic, to enrich and develop our national dress culture has far - reaching impact. 56. Obviously, Shenyang Gold Fruitage Agriculture limited company has the enormous experiences in it, eagerly seek for deep procession product and high quality ones enrich enterprise panel of selling. 57. Absorbing and assimilating the foreign cultures between nations will enrich and promote the development of aesthetic conceptions. (ibid. 58. Conclusions The process is simple and reasonable with good reproducibility. It is effective to enrich highly purified vinblastine and vincristine. 59. Fruit natural mutant (sport) is helpful to enrich wild germ plasm resource and provide precious material both for new cultivars and the study of special gene site. 60. This protein has been extensively used to enrich putative cancer propagating stem-like cell populations in epithelial tumors and, especially, glioblastomas.