快好知 kuaihz

121. The vigorous tour activities promote consumption, flourish economy, enrich people's life, and abet luxury as well. 122. This model can provide a new way for IDSS, which not only can enrich intelligent decision theory, but also effectively support practical decision. 123. Medlar can raise shade to enrich the blood, increase is sharp eye. 124. AJAX technology is effective method to enrich page interactive mode and improve user's experience. 125. General medicine and special medicine both enrich and perfect the medical and health service system, and they are inter-supplement. 126. The article make a beneficial trying from theory of TCM, clinical and experimental research, and enrich the content of iatreusiology of fastidium. 127. Hopefully, you can use the concepts and code provided here to enrich your own application without having to entirely retool your code. 128. This food factory's sacred mission is to enrich the catering market and promote Chinese culinary art. 129. This experiment will enrich the Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim's apply and try our best to extract many availability things. 130. In narrative function, it enrich the test's aesthetic force by design the leading character, shadow character, idler character and the imagery of static state and the imagery of dynamic state. 131. Since drama is a form of theater arts, the director should consciously bring out its theatricality in the process of creation so as to enrich theatrical expressions. 132. The results showed that organic matter (OM), total N and alkali- hydrolyzable N enriched apparently, but total P and available P did not enrich. 133. Because of enrich foods, today deficiency disease are not as common as they once were. 134. Character flaws are a way to enrich your role-playing experience; after all, who can forget Jamie's infamy, Tyrion's dwarfism, or Jon's bastardy ? 135. These results further enrich and develop the quaternion matrix algebra and the theory of generalized inverses. 136. Cherish, enrich and exhume yourselves, and the world will identify with your value at last. 137. Meggie would enrich the postal service with letters every day, at least to Dane. 138. Studies these works, may whisk off historical the dust, lets it emit the ray, unfolds own value, enrich literature inheritance buried treasure. 139. This study using metaphysics analyzed what the "literature Position Journal" had tried to fight the formulism on writing, thus widened our eyesight today and could help us to enrich our inditement. 140. These varieties present excellent properties of bumper harvest, and enrich germ plasm resources for Luanping County. 141. Razed long division skills", it studied the Western advanced technology to enrich our country." 142. Stimulated Raman scattering(SRS) is extensively studied, due to it can expand the wavelength range of coherent light and enrich the physical mechanism of coherent radiation. 143. Be yourself, enrich your life for yourself, don't ignore the attitude of the chook flock, you'll be like the tercel, exercise your wings for preparing to fly into the sky. 144. The aim of the activity course is to enrich the students perceptual experience, promote their synthetical ability, and foster their spirit of independent involvement and creativity. 145. We should always enrich and develop the theory of labor creating value , on the base of abstract labor is the sole source and substance to form the value of commodity. 146. Signs of sexual consciousness hidden in them might induce some clues to 'hormonal movement' so as to enrich more their humoristic morals and make the process be led up to meaningful afterthoughts. 147. These conclusions enrich and perfect theoretical results of random series. 148. This issue may reflect social changes in Shanghai of that time, enrich the relevant research fields of Chinese Pawnbroking, and maybe to promote the development of contemporary Pawnbroking. 149. The study on the new concept, structure, nature and characteristic of learning team in this paper will enrich the learning team theory today. 150. After careful consideration, I am pleased to announce that while the Integrated Sales Program (ISP) has remained unchanged, modifications have been made to enrich BabyCare's current plan.