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61. As a means of literary creation, symbolism is used in O"Neill"s plays not only to universalize the theme, but also to enrich and deepen the meaning of his plays. 62. Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology. 63. Well, you could say that American bankers, empowered by a quarter-century of deregulatory zeal, led the world in finding sophisticated ways to enrich themselves by hiding risk and fooling investors. 64. Tradition wants the walker, en passant in front of a cairn, to add a stone, his stone, to enrich the landmark. 65. To be and enrich youself , don't care about the attitude of the chook flock. As like the tiercel, prepare for the first fly and soar into the sky. 66. North Korea protested the resolution by saying it would enrich uranium and weaponize plutonium, according to KCNA, the state-run North Korean news agency. 67. The main aspect of real estate brand includes enterprise brand and project brand. Enterprise brand will increase project well-know and affixation value. Project brand will enrich enterprise brand. 68. Therefore, the problem about demand forecasting for products with short life cycle has significant value in theory and practice to enrich forecasting theory and company practice. 69. The method of using adsorbent resin to enrich vanillin in the oxidative liquors of acidic sulphite pulping was studied. 70. Local officials can engage in price gouging to enrich themselves individually or conspire to drive up prices on property sales that pad government coffers. 71. Longitudinal spatial arrangement utilizes the style of complicated arrangements to enrich the living space. 72. In order to advance the searching, Boolean search is used . this system offer more way to enrich the searching, such as online question, e-mail, instant message. 73. Enlightened book, beautiful music, inspiring movie and truee friend enrich your life. 74. The art can recover and enrich the metal such as plumbum, zincum, cadmium, argentums, and indium on the basis that any energy sources are not increased. 75. Another hand, we should enrich the students' lives and pay attention to experience to make the students' language sense tend towards wideness, deepness, beauty and keenness. 76. The somatic cell chromosomes in F1 hybrid plants indicated that good genes of oats can be introduced into the bread wheat to enrich the germ plasm resources of the wheat. 77. Enrich trichloroethylene in water with the method of hexane extraction, and determine it by capillary column gas chromatography. 78. Personal art training: We have dancing, drawing, handwriting, ceramic art and electronic piano courses to cultivate their taste and enrich their lives. 79. Of other burial sites and then to enrich the material culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty Yan staging sequence, and typical of the Western Zhou Yan cultural artifacts to shape analysis. 80. It was argued that the absorption of theory and technique of Zen could enrich and develop TCM psychology, which may benefit the establishment of psychotherapeutics with character of oriental culture. 81. Mucuna takes nitrogen from the air and places it in the soil and enrich it. 82. Enhance Macintosh recognition in Beijing; enrich Macintosh knowledge and incentives. 83. Enrich the supply of the food market to improve the people's livelihood. 84. Our slogan : Enrich your enterprise image with color, Raise your enterprise value with quality! 85. A cultivated woman, a woman of breeding and intelligence, can enrich a man's life - immeasurably! 86. We will begin a new journey and this campus will then foster some new comers . I hope all your new students seize every minute here in Qilu to enrich yourselves, and to learn to be self-disciplined. 87. China Eximbank has constantly opened new trails to enrich its distinct corporate culture. The Bank organized a series of corporate activities, which embodied the dynamics of the times . 88. In a word, the lemma that this paper has put forward need much more practice and studying to enrich and perfect, and it will be more practicably . 89. There are some differences among them, the temporization is as much as the transcendent, but they enrich and develop the text theory together. 90. Does angelica enrich the blood can you eat between bolus period?